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Applications for Aula Árabe Universitaria 6 (AAU6) are now being accepted

From March 21, 2024 until May 06, 2024

Undergraduate and graduate university programs that would like to submit proposed speakers and topics for the 2024-25 AAU conference series can send them in until May 6. This is the form that they must complete.

All undergraduate and graduate programs (Master’s and PhD programs) from universities in the Autonomous Region of Madrid, and Cordoba, or nearby cities, who wish to participate in the upcoming edition of Aula Árabe Universitaria (AAU6), may send in their proposals for speakers and topics, provided that they are related to the Arab-Muslim world, for the annual conference series to be held throughout the academic year of 2024-25. 

For that purpose, the bachelor’s degree or master’s degree coordinator or professor must fill out the online form, including their contact information and information on the university program, along with their proposed speakers (up to four, in order of preference). The deadline to complete the form and submit the proposals is May 6. After that date, the proposals will be evaluated and, sometime during the month of May, the university programs will be contacted with the calendar of annual lecture series drawn up. After this, Casa Árabe will be in charge of contacting the speakers in June, so that the series can be set up in July and begin at the end of September. 

Aula Árabe Universitaria is an annual series of conferences given by experts on topics proposed by university programs which apply to make contributions to the program. 

As a result, the conferences are specifically designed for the students of those respective programs, facilitating contact with speakers and relevant international experts on different subjects and fields related to the Arab world, with the goal of enriching and completing their academic offerings. 

The conferences are also offered to students from the other programs participating in the series, as well as the general public, so as to promote cooperation amongst universities and multidisciplinary study, as well as furthering knowledge about the Arab world. 

Casa Árabe is responsible for organizing the conferences, and the university programs agree to bring their students so that they can participate. In the final selection of speakers and topics, priority will be given to those that can be financed in whole or in part by the universities, departments or associated

research projects, or those in which more than one university program holds an interest. The conferences will be held in person at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid and Cordoba. They are also broadcast live on Casa Árabe’s YouTube channel in order to connect with the university programs in Cordoba and those who are collaborating with Aula Mediterrània, a program organized by the IEMed, a sister organization of Aula Árabe Universitaria. Those students who attend over 50% of the conferences in person are issued a certificate from Aula Árabe Universitaria at the end of the course. Attendance at the lectures is marked in a “Passport to the Arab World,” a diptych containing the calendar in which attendance gets recorded with stamps. 

In the last and fifth edition, held during the academic year of 2023-24, 28 university programs from 11 partner universities took part, with 13 conferences in Madrid and 3 in Cordoba. Undergraduate and postgraduate university programs (Master’s and PhD programs) from universities in the Autonomous Region of Madrid (UAH, UAM, UCM, UC3M, Universidad Nebrija, Saint Louis University - Madrid Campus, Universidad San Dámaso and URJC), Cordoba (Universidad Loyola and UCO), Toledo (University of Castilla La Mancha) and Segovia (IE University) collaborated in the series. 

For this sixth edition, these programs will once again be invited to take part and submit proposals, as well as other programs interested in applying through this public call. 

Applications for Aula Árabe Universitaria 6 (AAU6) are now being accepted