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Between Shari’a and Jihad: An intellectual history of Islamism 

November 27, 20187:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Ambassadors’ Hall (at Calle Alcalá, 62, First Floor). 7:00 p.m. Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
In Spanish.

Luz Gómez, author of the book and an associate professor of Arab and Islamic Studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is presenting her latest work, published by Los Libros de la Catarata, in Madrid on November 27.

Taking part along with Gómez will be Laura Galián, a researcher in Arab studies at the University of Granada, and Carlos Cañete,  a professor of Arab studies  at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Presented by: Karim Hauser, Casa Árabe’s International Politics Coordinator

Building heaven on Earth, making the planet inhabitable and sustainable: that is the mission God has tasked humankind with according to Islam. The shari’a or Islamic law is the way or path towards complying with that divine mandate. Fourteen centuries after this revelation, at a time when nearly 1.8 billion people declare themselves Muslim, the shari’a are no less valid and have as much of a role among Islamic ideas, and its definition, enforcement and purpose have never ceased to be discussed among Islam’s thinkers and activists. This work deals with the history of ideas and concepts in Islamism, from its origins in the Islamic reformism of the nineteenth century to the political advent of Salafism in the twenty-first century, analyzing both the theoretical productions of an ideological nature and their political application by organizations and political parties.
Between Shari’a and Jihad: An intellectual history of Islamism