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A plural citizenry and the mixture of cultures in Melilla

October 08, 20148.00 pm
UNED 8.00 pm

Casa Árabe and the Autonomous City of Melilla have joined forces to present this work 

On Wednesday, October 8, Mostafá Akalay Nasser, of Melilla’s Institute of Cultures, is presenting the book “Ciudadanía plural y mezcla de culturas en Melilla en la era de la globalización. Claves para entrar en la posmodernidad” (“Plural Citizenry and Mixture of Cultures in Melilla in the Era of Globalization: Keys to entering into post-modern times.”) The event will also include the participation of Fadela Mohatar Maanan, Vice-Councilwoman for Women’s Affairs and the president of the Executive Commission of the Institute of Cultures, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe.

Within the framework of the aid offered by the Institute of Cultures of the Autonomous City of Melilla for research projects on intercultural spaces, 2010-2011, Casa Árabe and the Autonomous City of Melilla are presenting this research report, which, on the one hand, contributes a theoretical review focused on the concept of citizenship and on the theories encompassing it: interculturalism, cultural hybridization, identity, border cultures, global citizenship and public space; and on the other hand, it increases awareness about the city through the discourse of the different “living forces” of Melilla’s civil society through nine interviews, with: Nayim Mohamed Ali, Fernando Miguel Belmonte, Sonia Gámez Gómez, Rosa María Marqués Leiva, Salvador Gallego Aranda, Ángel Castro Maestro, Abderrahman Benyahya, Antonio Bravo Nieto and Fadela Mohatar Maanan.

Mostafá Akalay Nasser is a doctor of Art History from the University of Granada and an urban planner with degrees from the Universities of Paris VIII (Saint-Denis) and Paris IV-La Sorbonne, as well as from the Roads School of Paris. Likewise, he is a maître de conférences, an associate professor and the Paris-Andalusia Erasmus program coordinator for the Saint-Denis Technological Institute (Université Paris Nord XIII), and a member researcher of the Observatory of Cultural Prospecting-HUM 584 of the University of Granada and the Board of Trustees of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, with headquarters in La Línea de la Concepción.  He has made his study and research activities compatible throughout all these years with topics related to interculturalism and cultural engineering.

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A plural citizenry and the mixture of cultures in Melilla