
Index / Activities / Shows / Concert by the Paco Soto Quintet

Concert by the Paco Soto Quintet

February 26, 20197:30 p.m.
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62). 7:30 p.m. 6 euros if purchased online.
Tickets sold on this website up to the day of the event at 12:00 p.m., or until sold out. Those tickets which have not been sold online will be put on sale one hour before the event at the Casa Árabe Auditorium door (cash payment only) for the price of 7 euros (6 euros for the officially unemployed, Casa Árabe Language Center students and Youth Card holders. You must demonstrate this status by showing the proper document to receive the discount).

On Tuesday, February 26, Casa Árabe has organized this concert in Madrid, with Egyptian oud player and singer Hesham Essam as the guest performer.

Two different influences have melded together within this artist, the Arab and flamenco, thus reflecting the way in which flamenco is felt during our times. Paco Soto, born in Águila but brought up in Tangier, is a musician from two shores, influenced by two cultures. At this concert, the different flamenco styles found within his repertoire are instilled with semblances of Middle Eastern music and jazz, including the special participation of the Arabic oud player and singer from Egypt, Hesham Essam.

Soto’s first album, “Vida,” came out in February of 2017. It is a fresh-sounding album composed entirely by this young artist, in which masters such as Jorge Pardo and “El Guadiana” took part, along with other promising young performers like Sandra Carrasco. A flamenco guitar album in which there are homages to music from Al-Andalus, jazz and classical music.

He was awarded the Alcobendas “Young Talents” Prize for best guitarist in 2018 and the “Flamenco en Ruta” award of 2019, given by AIE. With his own musical group, he has already performed on stages in New York, Barcelona, Madrid, Amsterdam, Brussels, and Cologne. where he headed the playbill alongside performers like Diego el Cigala at the Kölner Philharmonie. During his career, he has worked with flamenco artists and jazz performers such as José Soto `Sorderita´, Montse Cortés, Jorge Pardo, Josemi Carmona, Antonio Canales, and others.

Paco Soto: flamenco guitar
Hesham Essam: Arabic oud and vocals
Jose María Cortina: piano
Antonio Ramos “Maca”: electric bass
Sabú Porrina: percussion

Concert by the Paco Soto Quintet