Courses and seminars

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Course on Business Protocol and Culture in Arab Countries and Asia 

From January 27, 2014 until June 12, 2014

Registration Period Open
Course from February 18 to June 12, 2014 - MADRID

 Casa Asia is organizing, for the first time in collaboration with Casa Árabe, a course on Business Protocol and Culture in the two regions with the most growth and opportunities for Spanish companies at the present time: the Arab countries and Asia.
According to the World Bank, the global economy in 2014 will be sustained by the steady growth of developing countries and the moderate but still strong growth of China and other Asian countries. The Arab countries, despite the instability caused by political changes in these recent years, display great growth potential for the development of projects and the commercial expansion of Spanish companies in the region, led by the liquidity and dynamic energy of the Gulf countries, within a context of hydrocarbon price expansion.

In searching for new markets, being able to deal with commercial relations and make investments in other countries successfully often requires knowing a set of basic notions about the society, culture and business protocol of these places. Avoiding small misunderstandings which can create confusion in communications, knowing about the other parties and showing a sensitivity towards certain key cultural and social elements in their environment can turn out to be decisive in properly carrying out negotiations at certain times. 

Therefore, the objective of this course is to provide the people and companies that do business or are interested in doing business in these areas with a series of reference points and tools which facilitate communication, through knowledge about the features of the country where they will be arriving, as well as the basic forms of social and economic behavior there. 

General Contents:

Each of the modules offers an introduction to the culture, society and religion of each specific region and country, then providing an approach to the economies and their economic relations with Spain, as well as examining their business environment and structure, the factors which make it easier to do business there, and the relations with the companies and professionals in these countries, with practical case studies of companies and projects. The modules will be taught by experts with a great deal of experience in the region and country of specialization.

The course is made up of four modules:

You can find all of the information on the educational contents, speakers, registration instructions, prices, schedules and deadlines by clicking on each unit:

The classes will be held from February 18 to June 12 at Casa Árabe’s headquarters in Madrid (at Calle Alcalá, 62), in the afternoon. You may register for just one module or for all those which you consider to be of interest by writing to the e-mail address or by calling the telephone number 91 369 43 67, from Monday through Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Organized by:

casa asia logo CA 2


Course on Business Protocol and Culture in Arab Countries and Asia