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Administration of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco

November 03, 20147:30 pm
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62) 7:30 pm Free entrance until the event’s capacity is reached

Administration of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco

Casa Árabe, the Official Bulletin of the Spanish State (BOE) and the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies of Spain’s Ministry of the Presidency are organizing the presentation of this work, at an event which will include speeches by Gonzalo de Benito Secades, a Secretary of State in Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Javier Alvarado Planas, a tenured professor of Legal and Institutional History at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, and Jaime Pérez Renovales, Undersecretary of the Presidency of the Government. Presenting the event is Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe.
This work provides us with an outline as broad, objective and complete as possible of the Protectorate which Spain held in Morocco from 1912 to 1956, mainly focusing on the political, administrative and institutional aspects of greatest relevance.

The work’s viewpoint reflects three different perspectives: that of the Peninsular Spaniards, the Moroccans’ and that of the people who lived and became rooted in that small territory governed under its own unique political organization for more than a half-century.

The role of the Protectorate’s High Commissioner, protective action through the office of intervention, the medical dispensary and the school, the figure of the comptrollers, the organization of health care, the educational and cultural institutions, the judicial institutions and Spanish-Moroccan Law, the Military Administration and the later years of the Protectorate: these are just a few of the topics that have been dealt with in this work.
Administration of the Spanish Protectorate in Morocco