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Footprints in the Desert

November 18, 20147:00 p.m
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62). 7:00 p.m Free entrance until the event’s capacity is reached

Writer Maha Akhtar is presenting her latest work in Madrid 

The presentation, organized by Casa Árabe and the Roca Editorial publishers, will also include the participation of Charo Izquierdo, a journalist, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe, who will be conversing with the author.

Maha Akhtar yet again surprises us with this heart-wrenching story of espionage, love, war, hope and betrayal during the occupation of the Arabian Peninsula by the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Khalid and Noura manage to escape from Turkey, but when they reach Lebanon, he is found guilty of espionage and is hanged in a public square. Noura then flees to Cairo, where she meets up with Salah, a colleague of her deceased husband in the liberation movement, who must soon be leaving for Jordan with an army led by Lawrence of Arabia to carry out an attack at the Gulf of Aqaba.  It is in Cairo that Noura meets Rania and the group of women who regularly come together at her café. While the men discover the steep price they must pay for their participation in the Arab revolt, these women will fight their own war in the realms of family and love.

Maha Akhtar is a journalist and writer. She was a collaborator for Departures, Travel & Leisure and for The New York Times. She occasionally collaborates with Food and Wine, as well. She began her career in the world of music, responsible for public relations for the music group The Cure. After accompanying Robert Smith and his musicians on their tours for six years, she worked with Tim and Nina Zagat on the launch of their famous Zagat Restaurant Guides, before getting hired by CBS News, where she remained for fifteen years.

Known in Spain as the author of two autobiographical titles, The Maharani's Daughter and The Lost Princess, with Honey and Almonds Maha took her first leap into the world of novels. Footprints in the Desert is her highly awaited second novel.

Footprints in the Desert