Conferences and debates

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Mosques, myth and reality

March 31, 20167:30 p.m
Casa Árabe Auditorium (C/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9) 7:30 p.m Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.

Conference given by Carmen González Gutiérrez, a doctor of Archeology from the University of Cordoba, on March, 31.

Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Sísifo Research Group of the Archeology Department at the University of Cordoba, is organizing this conference, at which Carmen González Gutiérrez will be reflecting upon the concept of the mosque, its materialization throughout history and its different interpretations in research, comparing it with the image of the mosque conveyed to us by written documents an the archeological record, with an especially close look at the case of Cordoba.

Carmen González Gutiérrez. With a degree in History from the University of Cordoba (2008) and an official inter-university Master’s degree in Archeology and Heritage, Science and Education from the Universities of Cordoba, Huelva, Malaga and Pablo de Olavide (2010), she carries out her research work in the Sísifo Research Group (Archeology Department, University of Cordoba), to which she has belonged since the year 2009. In this group, she completed her doctoral thesis, titled “The Mosques of Islamic Cordoba: Concept, types and urban function,” which she defended in January 2016. A specialist in the “secondary mosques of Madinat Qurtuba,” she has focused on the metric and architectural study of these buildings, as well as the role they played in the uprise, configuration and changes in the city’s urbanism during the Islamic era. Amongst other publications, one could highlight her monograph titled Las mezquitas de barrio de Madinat Qurtuba: una aproximación arqueológica (The Neighborhood Mosques of Madinat Qurtuba: An archeological approach), a precursor to her doctoral thesis. 
Mosques, myth and reality

Casa Árabe and the Sísifo Research Group, which forms part of the Archeology Department at the University of Cordoba