
Index / Activities / Shows / Paxariño Trío in concert

Paxariño Trío in concert

November 13, 2014 7:30 p.m.
Cervantes Institute (at Calle Alcalá, 49). 7:30 p.m. Free entrance until the event’s capacity is reached.

As part of the Universo Melilla exhibition, which can be seen at the Cervantes Institute in Madrid.

The concert has been organized by the Cervantes Institute and the Autonomous City of Melilla, as a contribution by Casa Árabe to the exhibition, with the contribution of Casa Mediterráneo and the Sefarad-Israel Center, as well.

In their performance, Paxariño Trío is interpreting songs from its latest album, Dagas de Fuego (Daggers of Fire), a musical tour from “tanguillos” to the sounds of North Africa, and from Sephardic music –with a touch of saxophone achieving the same sound as the clarinet which plays such an important role in Jewish melodies–, to music from the Balkans, and from places even further beyond in the Mediterranean… Soul, heart, passion, delicateness and a flexible, broad, deeply-felt touch, perfectly adjusted to each instrument, from the flute to the ney. They are all flutes, yes, but each of them has its own way of expressing what Javier Paxariño has managed to understand. 

A culture lover who is open-minded in his research and investigation, Paxariño has also figured out how to bring the best of the Three Cultures which co-existed on the Iberian Peninsula –Muslim, Christian and Jewish– in a musical exercise which transcends, becoming a sea which bathes and brings in echoes of the waves… It finds shelter in the sensitive vibe conveyed through his fellow musicians, with whom he smiles as he executes this music with pure inspiration. Manu de Lucena, amazing in his well-balanced and perfectly measured form of accompaniment and guidance in drums and finger work, and Josete Ordóñez, spectacular because of his restraint in flamenco falsettos and depth in the Arab oud: both understand Javier’s music in the same ways. 

Dagas de fuego“ is a musical meeting point between the Western and Eastern cultures on both sides of the Mediterranean. Javier Paxariño is starting up this new project with two exceptional musicians, Josete Ordóñez and Manu de Lucena. Skill, reasoning, a vision for returning to the essence of the idea that “more is less,” with a tremendous touch of elegance, wisdom and performative moderation.

Paxariño Trío is made up of Javier Paxariño (saxophone and ethnic flutes), Josete Ordóñez (guitar, electric oud, “manola”) and Manu de Lucena (percussion).

Paxariño Trío in concert

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