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Presentation of issue nº 18 of Hesperia: Algeria

November 07, 2014
Event cancelled due to scheduling problems.

Event cancelled due to scheduling problems. 

The presentation of this monographic event was to include participation by Mr. Mohammed Haneche, the Ambassador of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria; María Jesús Viguera Molins, the director of Hesperia, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe.

The journal Hesperia-Culturas del Mediterráneo was founded in 2005 at the initiative of José Luis Pardo, the director of Ediciones Ibersaf, S.L., with the cooperation of professors, mainly from the Autónoma and Complutense Universities in Madrid. Hesperia combines Arab studies with other related topics in the Mediterranean realm, seeking their place amongst the multidisciplinary interests of a cultured audience. 

Volume 18 (2014) includes the following sections: 1.- Monographic issue on Algeria (7 articles); 2.- Interview with E. López Busquets; 3.- Latest news (8 articles, including: “Islam and Citizenship,” by M. Boisard; and Reviews which include: “Abd el-Kader, un spirituel dans la modernité” ("Abd el-Kader, a Spiritual Man in Modernity,” Damascus, 2012). 

Hesperia attempts to communicate both historical and current information on politics, society and literature, as well as communicating specialized information to readers in general. Now it is co-published by Ibersaf and Biblioteca Viva de al-Andalus.

Presentation of issue nº 18 of Hesperia: Algeria