
Index / News / Arabic language courses for children 

Arabic language courses for children 

At the Casa Árabe Language Center. For children between the ages of 3 and 12 

July 10, 2014
Starting in the upcoming month of October, due to the high demand we have encountered, the Casa Árabe Language Center will be offering Arabic classes to children between the ages of 3 to 12.
Using a methodology based on fun educational activities focusing on areas and topics of interest to children, the courses will be taught in small groups, with native teachers and in pleasant spaces, using innovative resources to ensure and promote fun learning.

The courses will consist of 24 hours of class time per quarter and will be given on Saturdays in the morning (schedule yet to be determined) at our headquarters in Madrid (at Calle Alcalá, 62). The price will be 140 euros per quarter, and the teaching materials are included.

For further information and to pre-register, you must send an email with a pre-registration card to
Arabic language courses for children