
Index / News / New guided tours of Arab Madrid

New guided tours of Arab Madrid

The guided tours of Arab Madrid to be held on the dates of October 8 and 29 have already been FULLY BOOKED.

December 19, 2016
MADRID is organizing these guided walking tours for becoming more familiar with Madrid’s Muslim history. Madrid is the only European capital to have been founded by the Arabs, in the ninth century. Its location, the city’s design, and even the origin of the Virgen de la Almudena are all part of Madrid’s Arab legacy, and the city acted as a key fortress city for the defense of Al-Andalus for 200 years.

The tour travels through the vestiges and monuments which evoke Madrid’s past as part of Al-Andalus. However, the city’s Islamic heritage can also be felt through its Mudéjar architecture and the borough of La Morería, the last place where Muslims lived in our city.

Dates: October 8 and 29 
Time and location: 11:00 a.m. at the entrance to the Museo San Isidro (address: Plaza San Andrés 2).
Duration: 2 and a half hours.
Price: 8 euros per person (payment on the day of the tour).
Language: Spanish.

For further information and reservations, please click on this link or write to
New guided tours of Arab Madrid