
Index / News / The democratic management of religious diversity in complex states

The democratic management of religious diversity in complex states

This conference will be given by Jean-François Gaudreault-Desbien in Madrid on September 22. The event has been organized by the Fundación Pluralismo y Convivencia with the cooperation of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies, the Canada Foundation and the Canadian Embassy.

September 16, 2022
The presentation titled “The democratic management of religious diversity in complex states: local and regional policies in comparison” will be given by Jean-François Gaudreault-Desbien, a professor of Constitutional Law and Vice-Rector of the University of Montreal, and presented by Eduardo Ruiz Vieytez, professor of Constitutional Law and Vice-Rector of University Strategy at Deusto University. The event will be introduced by Yolanda Gómez Sánchez, Director of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies.

At the conference, Gaudreault-Desbien will be discussing the current situation and potential prospects for public management of religious diversity in states where different levels of power coexist and where duties and responsibilities, both political

and administrative, are distributed amongst several authorities, as is the case in both Canada and Spain.

The event will be held on Thursday, September 22 at 6:00 p.m. at the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. You can also watch it online.

Further information and registration