Escuela de Música Árabe-Flamenco de Casa Árabe
Published at 02 22,,, 14 2014
4. "Granada, Between Zirids and Nasrids" by Antonio Orihuela Uzal
Al-Andalus and the thousand-year Kingdom of Granada (1013-2013) is the subject of debate and reflection at the seminar and series of conferences which Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees and the Legacy of Al-Andalus Foundation, has organized as the final brushstroke to the exhibition "Art and Cultures of Al-Andalus. The Power of the Alhambra", which has been on display at the Chapel and Crypt of the Palace of Carlos V (Granada, Spain). In this context, Antonio Orihuela Uzal from the School of Arab Studies in Granada presents "Granada, Between Zirids and Nasrids". More: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/series-of-conferences-and-seminar-on-the-art-and-cultures-of-al-andalus-the-power-of-the-alhambra-Published at 26 14,,, 14 2014 -
5. "Written Culture in the Granada of Al-Andalus" by José Miguel Puerta Vílchez
Al-Andalus and the thousand-year Kingdom of Granada (1013-2013) is the subject of debate and reflection at the seminar and series of conferences which Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees and the Legacy of Al-Andalus Foundation, has organized as the final brushstroke to the exhibition "Art and Cultures of Al-Andalus. The Power of the Alhambra", which has been on display at the Chapel and Crypt of the Palace of Carlos V (Granada, Spain). In this context, José Miguel Puerta Vílchez from University of Granada presents "Written Culture in the Granada of Al-Andalus". More: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/series-of-conferences-and-seminar-on-the-art-and-cultures-of-al-andalus-the-power-of-the-alhambra-Published at 26 14,,, 14 2014 -
6. "Artistic Relations Between Nasrid Granada and the Christian Kingdoms" by Rafael López Guzmán
Al-Andalus and the thousand-year Kingdom of Granada (1013-2013) is the subject of debate and reflection at the seminar and series of conferences which Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees and the Legacy of Al-Andalus Foundation, has organized as the final brushstroke to the exhibition "Art and Cultures of Al-Andalus. The Power of the Alhambra", which has been on display at the Chapel and Crypt of the Palace of Carlos V (Granada, Spain). In this context, Rafael López Guzmán from the University of Granada presents "Artistic Relations Between Nasrid Granada and the Christian Kingdoms". More: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/series-of-conferences-and-seminar-on-the-art-and-cultures-of-al-andalus-the-power-of-the-alhambra-Published at 26 14,,, 14 2014 -
7 . "The Alhambra and the Aulic Cities of the Islamic World" by Antonio Almagro Gorbea
Al-Andalus and the thousand-year Kingdom of Granada (1013-2013) is the subject of debate and reflection at the seminar and series of conferences which Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees and the Legacy of Al-Andalus Foundation, has organized as the final brushstroke to the exhibition "Art and Cultures of Al-Andalus. The Power of the Alhambra", which has been on display at the Chapel and Crypt of the Palace of Carlos V (Granada, Spain). Antonio Almagro Gorbea from the School of Arab Studies of Granada presents "The Alhambra and the Aulic Cities of the Islamic World". More: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/series-of-conferences-and-seminar-on-the-art-and-cultures-of-al-andalus-the-power-of-the-alhambra-Published at 26 14,,, 14 2014 -
8 . "The Alhambra, Felt and Portrayed" by Ignacio Henares Cuellar
Al-Andalus and the thousand-year Kingdom of Granada (1013-2013) is the subject of debate and reflection at the seminar and series of conferences which Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Alhambra and Generalife Board of Trustees and the Legacy of Al-Andalus Foundation, has organized as the final brushstroke to the exhibition "Art and Cultures of Al-Andalus. The Power of the Alhambra", which has been on display at the Chapel and Crypt of the Palace of Carlos V (Granada, Spain). Within this context, Ignacio Henares Cuellar from the University of Granada presents "The Alhambra, Felt and Portrayed". More: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/series-of-conferences-and-seminar-on-the-art-and-cultures-of-al-andalus-the-power-of-the-alhambra-Published at 26 14,,, 14 2014