1. Conferences and debates

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Seven decades of Nakba Play

Seven decades of Nakba

Published at 29 18,,, 17 2017
05-16-2017: Casa Árabe is screening the documentary “The Earth Speaks Arabic” and has organized a conference by Palestinian historian Nur Masalha to commemorate this date. The event will be moderated by Teresa Aranguren, a journalist and member of the Board of Directors at RTVE. Why doesn’t the destruction of a large number of Palestinian towns and villages appear in the Western story about the consequences of Palestine’s partition? Commemorating the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of 1947-48 means making an effort to recover a collective memory and the formation of a group identity, in which Palestine’s oral history holds a special place. Masalha calls it “social history from the bottom up” and argues that writing more sincerely about the Nakba does not mean just practicing professional historiography, but is also a moral imperative. Historians and intellectuals play a basic role when it comes to constructing a national narrative, something which has created yet another battlefield in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since it first began. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/seven-decades-of-nakba


  • The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Socio-economic impact and humanitarian aidShow video

    The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Socio-economic impact and humanitarian aid

    Casa Árabe and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), with the cooperation of Acción contra el Hambre (Action against Hunger) and Save the Children, have organized a round table discussion titled “The Regional Dimension of the Syrian Refugee Crisis (I): Socio-economic impact and humanitarian aid.” The objective was to analyze and make evident the regional dimension of the refugee crisis caused by the Syrian conflict, as well as the socio-economic impact it is having on the neighboring countries. It included interventions by Michael Kingsley-Nyinah, director of the UNRWA office in Syria; Jean-Raphäel Poitou, geographic director for the Middle East at Acción contra el Hambre (Action against Hunger); David del Campo, director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid at Save the Children, and a representative of Doctors Without Borders (pending confirmation). The debate was moderated by the journalist Carla Fibla. More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/the-syrian-refugee-crisis-socio-economic-impact-and-humanitarian-aid
    Published at 54 11,,, 15 2015
  • Geopolitics and Arab Societies: Keys to upheavalShow video

    Geopolitics and Arab Societies: Keys to upheaval

    On the occasion of the presentation of the books “Islamic State: Geopolitics of chaos” and “What Is Left of the Arab Uprisings?: Activists, changes and essentials,” three journalists analyzed the current situation. The round table included talks by Reem Khalifa, an activist and founder of the newspaper Al Wasat in Bahrain; Javier Martín, delegate of the Efe Press Agency in North Africa and author de “Estado Islámico: Geopolítica del caos” (“Islamic State: Geopolitics of chaos”) and David Perejil, a journalist and the editor of “¿Qué queda de las revueltas árabes?: Activistas, cambios y claves” (“What Is Left of the Arab Uprisings?: Activists, changes and essentials”). The event was presented by Karim Hauser, who is responsible for the Governance Area at Casa Árabe. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/geopolitics-and-arab-societies-keys-to-today’s-upheaval
    Published at 05 22,,, 15 2015
  • The sacred art of Kufic calligraphy: an aesthetic reflectionShow video

    The sacred art of Kufic calligraphy: an aesthetic reflection

    Valérie González, an expert on Islamic visual culture, gave this conference in Casa Árabe. One of the most important forms of artistic expression in Islam is Kufic calligraphy. It was precisely in this form of writing that God’s word in the Qur’an was taken down with devotion at the beginnings of Islam’s history. Valérie González analyzed the role played by writing and calligraphy, and more specifically Kufic writing, as artistic paradigms in Islamic logocentrism at this conference. She examined masterpieces of Kufic calligraphy used in different media, such as books, architecture and objects created by artists, to show how the sacred human act of setting down Divine Revelation in writing gave rise to a sublimating visualization that transcended beyond just religious art. A special emphasis was placed on the Samanid ceramics of the tenth and eleventh centuries, whose wonderful calligraphic decoration blurs the border between the ordinary and the extraordinary, so deeply rooted within the West’s aesthetic consciousness. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/the-sacred-art-of-kufic-calligraphy-an-aesthetic-reflection
    Published at 27 22,,, 15 2015
  • #ArabSpring four years later. Session 4Show video

    #ArabSpring four years later. Session 4

    Seminar on “Citizen entrepreneurship, political participation and artistic expression among Arab youths.” SESSION 4: ARTISTIC EXPRESSION AND CULTURAL MANIFESTATIONS “Creativity and spaces for freedom.” Malu Halasa, writer and editor of the book “Syria Speaks” “The walls speak: art in the streets.” Anahi Alviso, a researcher at the Centre Français d’Archéologie et de Sciences Sociales de Sanaa (CEFAS) “People’s theater and collective memory.” Jaouad Essounani, director of the company Dabateatr Moderated by: Nuria Medina, Coordinator of Culture and New Media, Casa Árabe More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/arabspring-cuatro-anos-despues
    Published at 06 17,,, 15 2015
  • #ArabSpring four years later. Session 3Show video

    #ArabSpring four years later. Session 3

    Seminar on “Citizen entrepreneurship, political participation and artistic expression among Arab youths.” SESSION 3: MOVEMENTS AND SOCIAL DYNAMICS “The importance of discontent: Arab faces and perceptions of injustice.” Middle East Center, associate researcher, Carnegie-Middle East Center “Activism and human rights.” Mohammed al Maskati, consultant and defender of Human Rights, The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights “Mental health in countries affected by conflicts.” Sally Toma, psychologist, therapist and activist. Kazeboon Moderated by: Leila Nachawati, a professor of Communication at the Universidad Carlos III and co-founder of the portal Syria Untold. More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/arabspring-cuatro-anos-despues
    Published at 04 17,,, 15 2015