1. Conferences and debates

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Conference by Ilan Pappé: The Semblance of Peace in Palestine Play

Conference by Ilan Pappé: The Semblance of Peace in Palestine

Published at 39 12,,, 14 2014
On Monday, May 13, 2013, Ilan Pappe, Director of the European Center for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom) gave a conference at Casa Árabe's headquarters in Madrid. The event was presented by Musa Odeh, the Ambassador of Palestine in Spain, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe. During his conference, Professor Ilan Pappe analyzed the efforts which have been made in the peace process since 1967, focusing his hypothesis on the idea that these efforts have been based on a false paradigm which has ignored the Israeli strategy concerning the Palestinian Territories. Pappe analyzed this viewpoint and the implications it has for the future of the region. This conference, held with the cooperation of the Diplomatic Mission of Palestine in Spain, has been organized on the day of the Nakba (May 15), the date on which Palestinians commemorate the partition of the Palestinians' territories under the British Mandate in 1948, and their indigenous population was dispersed until today. Ilan Pappe Born in Haifa in 1954, Mr. Pappe is the Director of the European Center for Palestine Studies at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. He forms part of a group of Israeli academics known for their work on historic revisionism, especially in relation with the events that took place in 1948. He is the author of 15 books, several of which have been translated into Spanish, with the titles La limpieza étnica de Palestina (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Crítica, 2008); Historia de la Palestina moderna: un territorio, dos pueblos (History of Modern Palestine: One Territory, Two Peoples, Akal, 2007); Gaza en Crisis (Gaza in Crisis, with Noam Chomsky, Taurus, 2011). For more information: http://en.casaarabe.es/news/the-semblance-of-peace-in-palestine-2


  • Fighting against Jihadi terrorism in France and Great Britain (English version)Show video

    Fighting against Jihadi terrorism in France and Great Britain (English version)

    Frank Foley, a professor of International Relations at King’s College in London, offered this conference on February, 11th at Casa Árabe Auditorium in Madrid. The conference deals with the different focuses which France and Great Britain have adopted in the fight against “Jihadi” terrorism. Tracing the historical origins of their differing policies, Frank Foley examines how the government and police of both countries interact with Muslim communities and highlights the challenges which the French government has faced since the recent attacks in Paris. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/fighting-against-jihadi-terrorism-in-france-and-great-britain
    Published at 39 19,,, 15 2015
  • Spain-Morocco: Cultural encounter: a view from both shores (FRE/SPA)Show video

    Spain-Morocco: Cultural encounter: a view from both shores (FRE/SPA)

    Casa Árabe and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Spain organized a day of conferences and the screening of a film, on January 27th 2015. The purpose of this day is to create a platform for Morocco and Spain to exchange ideas and experiences, where they can share an outlook on the future that strengthens the ties between the two countries. Various events were held at the Casa Árabe Auditorium, among them this conference by Lamia Radi, Director of Cooperation and Cultural Action at the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/cultural-encounter-a-view-from-both-shores
    Published at 26 05,,, 15 2015
  • Four years after #25Jan: Transformation, challenges and scenarios in Egypt (FRE/SPA)Show video

    Four years after #25Jan: Transformation, challenges and scenarios in Egypt (FRE/SPA)

    Nadine Abdalla and Ricard González examined the situation in the country in a conference held at Casa Árabe in Madrid on January, 26th 2015. The political scientist Nadine Abdalla highlighted the factors which explain the current stagnation in Egypt’s transition process. As for Spanish journalist Ricard González, he addressed the challenges faced by Abdelfattah al-Sisi’s government. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/four-years-after-25jan-transformation-challenges-and-scenarios-in-egypt
    Published at 20 05,,, 15 2015
  • II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global IV  The Islamist terrorism threat in Western EuropeShow video

    II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global IV The Islamist terrorism threat in Western Europe

    Segunda jornada del II Foro Elcano de Terrorismo Global, dedicado a "Las transformaciones recientes del terrorismo global" y organizado por el Real Instituto Elcano con la colaboración de Casa Árabe y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en España. Esta sesión tuvo lugar el 18 de noviembre de 2014 en Casa Árabe en Madrid. El Panel IV fue moderado por Carola García Calvo, investigadora del Real Instituto Elcano, y en él participaron Cyrille Rogeau (2' 30"), consejero de la Embajada de Francia en España, con "La evolución del terrorismo yihadista en Francia"; Petter Nesser (28'), investigador senior sobre Terrorismo del Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), con "New facets of the islamist terrorism threat in Western Europe"; y Francisco José Vázquez (50' 30"), jefe de la Unidad de Terrorismo Internacional de la Guardia Civil, sobre "La evolución del terrorismo yihadista en España". Más información: http://www.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/ii-foro-elcano-de-terrorismo-global
    Published at 22 18,,, 14 2014
  • II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global II. Islamic State against Al Qaeda  Shifting allegiancesShow video

    II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global II. Islamic State against Al Qaeda Shifting allegiances

    In its 2nd edition, the Elcano Forum reviewed the recent transformations undergone by global terrorism. The latest developments in international Jihadism, dominated by the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) –currently the self-styled Islamic State (IS)– as an alternative and rival nucleus, and the establishment of the Caliphate in Iraqi territory last June, make it necessary to reflect not only about the changes in the phenomenon itself but also to its implications for the Western Mediterranean. Thus, the forum analyzed both the threat these changes pose for the various countries in the Maghreb-Sahel region and in Europe, given their renewed capacity for mobilisation, and the strategies, policies and measures adopted to counter it. The second panel was chaired by Fernando Reinares, Senior Analyst on Global Terrorism at Elcano Royal Institute. Participation: - Guido Steinberg, Senior Associate, Middle East and Africa Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin; with a presentation tittled, "The struggle for the soul of the Jihadist movement: Islamic State against al-Qaeda" and - Tricia Bacon, Lecturer, Department of Justice, Law and Criminology, American University Washington DC with a presentation tittled, "Shifting Allegiances: the direction of relations among Sunni militant groups"
    Published at 21 18,,, 14 2014