1. Conferences and debates

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Fortieth International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (ARABIC) Play

Fortieth International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (ARABIC)

Published at 49 12,,, 17 2017
2017.29.11. Casa Árabe and the Diplomatic Mission of Palestine in Spain organized this conference, given by Ayman Odeh, a member of the Knesset and the head of the Joint List. It was presented by Mussa Amer Odeh, the Ambassador of Palestine in Spain, and Pedro Martínez-Avial, the General Director of Casa Árabe. Since 1977, on November 29 of each year, the UN commemorates the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The date was selected because of its importance to the Palestinian people, given that three decades earlier, or in other words on that same date in 1947, the United Nations General Assembly enacted Resolution 181, which later came to be known as the “Partition Resolution,” in which the creation of a “Jewish State” and an “Arab State” in Palestine were stipulated, with Jerusalem as an international city. Of the two States foreseen in that resolution, up to now only one has been created: Israel. In a year when the Balfour Declaration has turned one century old, the Nakba occurred seven decades ago, and the Six-Day War took place fifty years back, this anniversary is allowing the international community to focus its attention on the fact that the matter of Palestine has not yet been resolved. Ayman Odeh (Haifa, 1975) is an attorney and politician, as well as member of the Israeli Parliament, or Knesset and the head of the Joint List, a political alliance of four parties dominated by the Arabs: Hadash, Balad, the United Arab List and Ta’al. Odeh, who identifies as a Socialist, joined Hadash and represented it in the Municipal Government of Haifa from 1998 to 2005, before becoming the party’s Secretary General in 2006. Analysts attribute to charismatic Odeh the fact that a more moderate, pragmatic face has been placed on the Arab political union. Odeh was elected to the twentieth Knesset, along with another 12 candidates from the Joint List. More info: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/fortieth-international-day-of-solidarity-with-the-palestinian-people


  • II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global I. Terrorism, insurgency and its reflection on the InternetShow video

    II Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global I. Terrorism, insurgency and its reflection on the Internet

    Primera jornada del II Foro Elcano de Terrorismo Global, dedicado a "Las transformaciones recientes del terrorismo global" y organizado por el Real Instituto Elcano con la colaboración de Casa Árabe y la Embajada de Estados Unidos en España. Esta sesión tuvo lugar el 17 de noviembre de 2014 en Casa Árabe en Madrid. Este primer panel fue moderado por Carmen González Enríquez, investigadora principal y directora del Observatorio de Imagen de España (OIE), Real Instituto Elcano, y versó sobre el terrorismo en Oriente Medio y el yihadismo en Internet. Participaron Assaf Moghadam, Director of Academic Affairs, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya (Israel) con su intervención titulada "La interacción entre terrorismo, insurgencia y Guerra civil en Oriente Medio" y Manuel R. Torres (a partir minuto 24 15"), profesor titular, responsable del Área de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, con una intervención sobre "La evolución del terrorismo yihadista y su reflejo en Internet". Más información: http://www.casaarabe.es/eventos-arabes/show/ii-foro-elcano-de-terrorismo-global
    Published at 21 18,,, 14 2014
  • Syria: geopolitical struggle and humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle EastShow video

    Syria: geopolitical struggle and humanitarian catastrophe in the Middle East

    Casa Árabe and the Embassy of Holland in Madrid organized, the 9th december 2014, this conference, which included the participation of Eduardo López Busquets, General Director of Casa Árabe; Kees van Rij, the Ambassador of Holland in Madrid; Marcel Kurpershoek, Ambassador, and John McHugo, a writer and expert on the Middle East. In order to attempt to understand the status of affairs in Syria, one must bear in mind the major geo-strategic interests that the Middle East has generated since the last century. During this conference, the emphasis was placed on some of these factors, and two notable personages, Marcel Kupershoek, a Dutch diplomat with a great deal of professional experience in the Middle East, and Britain’s John McHugo, a scholar of the Arab world who is very knowledgeable about the Middle East, gave their opinion on the topic. More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/syria-geopolitical-struggle-and-humanitarian-catastrophe-in-the-middle-east
    Published at 11 18,,, 14 2014
  • A trip down the Nile, from Hollywood to Arab cinemaShow video

    A trip down the Nile, from Hollywood to Arab cinema

    This conference was held as the opening activity of a special series of events which Casa Árabe dedicates to the memory of Alberto Elena, a professor of Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad Carlos III in Madrid, who closely collaborated with Casa Árabe, and to whom the institution is dedicating a series of film screenings in December and January. The event was presented by Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe, and included attendance by representatives of the Cervantes Institute, the Filmoteca Española, the Cines del Sur Film Festival, and the Cordoba African Film Festival, as well as others. This conference by Viola Shafik allowed us to get an overview of the essential films in the history of Arab cinema, which Alberto Elena worked so hard to increase awareness about. This talk made it possible to get a closer look at the changes in the film industry in these countries and their ideological and aesthetic features, from the colonial era up to the modern day.
    Published at 31 11,,, 14 2014
  • Un viaje por el Nilo, desde Hollywood al cine árabeShow video

    Un viaje por el Nilo, desde Hollywood al cine árabe

    Esta conferencia se celebró el 4 de diciembre de 2014 como actividad inaugural de una programación especial que Casa Árabe dedica a la memoria de Alberto Elena, catedrático de Comunicación Audiovisual en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, que colaboró estrechamente con Casa Árabe y a quien la institución le dedica un ciclo de cine en diciembre y enero. La conferencia de Viola Shafik permitió transitar por muchas de las películas esenciales de la historia del cine árabe, y que Alberto Elena tanto se empeñó en dar a conocer. Esta charla nos acerca a la evolución de la industria del cine en esos países y de sus características ideológicas o estéticas, desde la época colonial hasta nuestros días.
    Published at 08 11,,, 14 2014
  • Recognition of the Palestinian StateShow video

    Recognition of the Palestinian State

    Mohammed Barakeh, Secretary General of the Hadash Party, presented this conference. Casa Árabe and the Diplomatic Mission of Palestine in Spain organized this event, with the title of “Towards a Fair Solution: Recognition of the Palestinian State,” which, in addition to Barakeh’s speech, included interventions by Mohammed Haneche, the Ambassador of Algeria and Dean of the Arab ambassadors in Spain; Musa Amer Odeh, Ambassador of the Diplomatic Mission of Palestine in Spain, and Eduardo López Busquets, the General Director of Casa Árabe. More information: http://en.casaarabe.es/event/recognition-of-the-palestinian-state
    Published at 04 11,,, 14 2014