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Anthology of Contemporary Tunisian Poetry
October 29, 20197:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Ambassadors’ Hall (at Calle Alcalá, 62, First Floor).
7:00 p.m.
Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
In Spanish, with readings in Arabic.
Casa Árabe and the Embassy of Tunisia in Spain have organized this
presentation at the Casa Árabe headquarters in Madrid on Tuesday,
October 29.
The event will include speeches by Ridha Mami, a professor at the University of La Manouba and the book’s translator, and Wacif Chiha, the Ambassador of Tunisia in Spain. The presentation will be presented by Karim Hauser, Casa Árabe’s Coordinator of International Relations.
This Anthology of Contemporary Tunisian Poetry, translated from Arabic by professor, Hispanist and poet Ridha Mami, includes a poetic selection of sixteen Tunisian poets, covering nearly an entire century of contemporary history in Tunisia, from the 1920s to the modern day. There are sixty poems, in a bilingual edition containing a magnificent series of creators who have left their mark behind on literature, culture and society in Tunisia in particular, and on the Arab world as a whole, in general, the most notable of which include Abul Qasim Chebbi, Awled Ahmed, Moncef Ouhaibi, Adam Fethi, Moncef Mezghanni, Kamel Bouajila, Abdelaziz Kacem and Menawar Smadeh, as well as others. If we define committed or revolutionary poetry as that which is always written from a perspective of critical opposition, this anthology is a reflection of Tunisian society throughout four clearly delimited stages: the French colonization of Tunisia, the Bourguiba government, the era of Ben Ali and the revolution or Arab Spring and its consequences.
Presentation information sheet
Ridha Mami earned a PhD at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is a tenured professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the University of La Manouba in Tunisia, specializing in aljamiado and Morisco literature. He has had research books published, including Morisco Manuscript 9653 at the National Library of Madrid: Publication, linguistic study and glossary (2002) and The Moorish Poet: From Rojas Zorrilla to the secret author of a comedy about Mohammed (2010), as well as numerous articles in specialist journals. He has authored three books of poetry in Spanish, translated into Arabic: Lunas de primavera (Spring Moons, Madrid, 2011; Rome, 2017), Lunas de otoño (Autumn Moons, 2013) and Mis lunas (My Moons, 2015). He has translated the Essential Poetry of Abul Qasim Chebbi (2016) into Spanish. He is a member of the AIH (International Association of Hispanists), the IASS (International Association for Semiotic Studies) and is its correspondent in Tunisia.
This Anthology of Contemporary Tunisian Poetry, translated from Arabic by professor, Hispanist and poet Ridha Mami, includes a poetic selection of sixteen Tunisian poets, covering nearly an entire century of contemporary history in Tunisia, from the 1920s to the modern day. There are sixty poems, in a bilingual edition containing a magnificent series of creators who have left their mark behind on literature, culture and society in Tunisia in particular, and on the Arab world as a whole, in general, the most notable of which include Abul Qasim Chebbi, Awled Ahmed, Moncef Ouhaibi, Adam Fethi, Moncef Mezghanni, Kamel Bouajila, Abdelaziz Kacem and Menawar Smadeh, as well as others. If we define committed or revolutionary poetry as that which is always written from a perspective of critical opposition, this anthology is a reflection of Tunisian society throughout four clearly delimited stages: the French colonization of Tunisia, the Bourguiba government, the era of Ben Ali and the revolution or Arab Spring and its consequences.
Presentation information sheet
Ridha Mami earned a PhD at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is a tenured professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the University of La Manouba in Tunisia, specializing in aljamiado and Morisco literature. He has had research books published, including Morisco Manuscript 9653 at the National Library of Madrid: Publication, linguistic study and glossary (2002) and The Moorish Poet: From Rojas Zorrilla to the secret author of a comedy about Mohammed (2010), as well as numerous articles in specialist journals. He has authored three books of poetry in Spanish, translated into Arabic: Lunas de primavera (Spring Moons, Madrid, 2011; Rome, 2017), Lunas de otoño (Autumn Moons, 2013) and Mis lunas (My Moons, 2015). He has translated the Essential Poetry of Abul Qasim Chebbi (2016) into Spanish. He is a member of the AIH (International Association of Hispanists), the IASS (International Association for Semiotic Studies) and is its correspondent in Tunisia.