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Arabs. From the Ottoman Empire to present day
From December 15, 2010 until January 18, 2011
Casa Árabe presents in Madrid on January 18th the launch of the book Arabs. From Ottoman Empire to present day, by Eugene Rogan, Middle East Modern History professor at Oxford University.
The book, wich includes a review of the Arab peoples' history needed by the present Western readers, starts with the 16th Century Ottoman Empire expansion, but it is mainly focused on the 20th and the present century and the important contemporary disputes, from the Palestinian issue to the oil era, covering Islamist movements and their progression in those countries.
The conferences will take place at 19.30h at the Casa Árabe's Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62). Free entrance.
The conferences will take place at 19.30h at the Casa Árabe's Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62). Free entrance.