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Arabs in America: The unique case of the Paraná Triple Border

November 12, 20206:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s YouTube channel. 6:00 p.m.
In Spanish.

On Thursday, November 12, Casa Árabe is giving this online round table discussion, in which we will analyze the current experience among the most recent Arab emigrants (from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine) on the border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. You can watch it on our Youtube channel.

Despite the fact that it is fundamentally an emigration based on economic and financial motives, the migratory process is having a clear impact on the linguistic dimension of these Arabs’ reality, and therefore their identity. While waiting for the field work to be completed, in this activity and as a starting point, the current state of the matter, the main goals and their principal challenges will be discussed as part of the research project “Arabs on the Triple Border of Paraná: Diaspora and identity,” forming part of the University of Malaga research plan.

The participants include Rosa-Isabel Martínez, an Arabist at the University of Málaga and principal investigator of the project; Pedro Marcelo Staevie, an economist at the Universidade Federal da Integraçao Latinoamericana (UNILA) in Brazil and secretary of the project; Juan Agulló, a sociologist also from UNILA; and Abdelhallak Najmi, a journalist and researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. The event will be presented by Pedro Martínez-Avial, the General Director of Casa Árabe.
Arabs in America: The unique case of the Paraná Triple Border
The mosque in Foz, Brazil. Artist: Juan Agulló.