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Balance and prospects on Arab World elections

From October 11, 2012 until October 18, 2012

On Thursday October 18th, Casa Árabe organized the speech "Election on the Arab World: balance and prospects", by the Observatory of Politics and Elections in the Arab and Muslim World (OPEMAM in its original Spanish acronym).

The event took place at Casa Árabe’s Auditorium (c/ Alcalá, 62) at 19.30, and was introduced by Eduardo López Busquets, director general of Casa Árabe. During the event, Luciano Zaccara, director of OPEMAM, Rafael Bustos, scientific coordinator of OPEMAM, Layla Hamad, associated researcher at OPEMAM, expert on Yemen, and Bárbara Azaola, associated researcher at OPEMAM expert on Egypt, also took part.
After almost two years of the so-called “Arab Spring”, about twenty elections and changes of regime have taken place within the Arab world. But did these events put up forward advances on democratic conditions inside those states? Is there better governance and stability in the region? The impact of those elections is to be tinged taking into account the specificities of each of regimes and their transformations. Besides, the region is undergoing a political instability period, due to the open conflicts both in the Maghreb and the Mashrek.
OPEMAM was created in 2011, based on the originally called TEIM Election Watch, a research Project at the Autonomous University of Madrid founded in 2006. It is aimed to compare elections and political evolution in Arab and Muslim countries through electoral reports and context analysis. Its present team is made up of over twenty Spanish and foreign researchers, with wide experience on the election observation and work on the field in the region. OPEMAN has published over a hundred analyses, both in Spanish and English, which may be read on its webpage. They are the result of more than 40 observation missions carried out during the last six years.

Luciano Zaccara
He is the director of OPEMAM and responsible for the Middle-East area. He is researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid and visiting fellow at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom. His areas of expertise are Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council.

Rafael Bustos
He is the scientific coordinator at OPEMAM and responsible for the North African region. He is an International Relations professor at the Complutense University of Madrid and researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and expert on Algeria and Tunisia.

Leyla Hamad
She is an associated researcher to OPEMAM and PhD. candidate to Arab and Islamic Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, expert on Yemen.

Bárbara Azaola
She is an associated researcher at OPEMAM and Arabic professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Her field of expertise is Egypt.