
Index / Activities / Exhibitions / Beirut Hosts the Exhibition "On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World"

Beirut Hosts the Exhibition "On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World"

From March 10, 2014 until April 04, 2014

Spanish Quality, Creativity and Competitiveness 
From March 10-28 - BEIRUT

Casa Árabe, with the cooperation of the Lebanese-American University of Beirut (LAU) and the Embassy of Spain in Lebanon, is presenting the exhibition “On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World,” in an English and Arabic version hosted by the LAU School of Architecture and Design. The exhibit will be officially opened on Monday, March 10 by Milagros Hernando Echevarría, the Ambassador of Spain in Lebanon, and by Joseph Jabbra, President of the Lebanese-American University of Beirut (LAU). On that same date, architect Alberto Campo Baeza, who has several of his projects included within the exhibition, will be giving a conference at the university auditorium to provide information on some of his most recent works.

The exhibition will remain on display until March 28 and will be shown at the Shaykh Zayed Gallery in the Architecture and Design School of the Lebanese-American University of Beirut.

On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World

The exhibition “On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World,” created by Casa Árabe and the Superior Council of Architects’ Associations of Spain (CSCAE) is a display of projects by Spanish architecture companies and studios carried out in Arab countries. The result is a fine example of successful work for international expansion, which makes a huge contribution to positioning and strengthening the Spain Brand abroad. 

The projects included in this exhibition are the result of thorough, constant work over a long time period, which is beginning to bear its fruits thanks to the industry’s excellence and its high-quality services. Most notable amongst these are the works by renowned architecture studios such as Nieto Sobejano, Fenwick Irribarren, Lamela, César Ruiz Larrea, Rafael de la Hoz and Campo Baeza; as well as a series of younger studios that have committed to internationalization in the Arab world, as is the case with AGi Architects, Hadit and AV62. At the same time, also represented are some of the most important Spanish engineering companies, such as Alatec, Sener, Idom and TYPSA, all with a presence in the region for several decades.     

Although this relationship between our architecture and the Arab world goes far back in time, today it is taking on special relevance due to the economic environment we are currently living in. This exhibition not only intends to provide acknowledgment for the work done by our professionals abroad, upholding such important values as competitiveness and creativity, but is also meant to draw attention to the potential held by the regions of North Africa and the Middle East for this industry.

You can see a full description of all the projects on the exhibition website

Beirut Hosts the Exhibition "On a Journey: Spanish Architecture in the Arab World"