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Books for the end of the year

December 22, 20206:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s YouTube channel. 6:00 p.m.
In Spanish.

In view of the upcoming holidays at the end of the year, Casa Árabe is presenting a series of recently published titles through short dialogues.

In order of appearance at the meeting, we present the following:

- La trilogía de Abdelkader Alloula, treinta años después (The Abdelkader Alloula Trilogy, thirty years later, University of Granada) by Naima Benaicha, author of the book and a professor at the University of Alicante;

- Principio de cuerpo, final del mar (Beginning of body, end of the sea [Broken Glass] by Adonis, with Antonio Martínez Castro, co-translator of the book;

- Malabata  (Ediciones del Genal) with Sergio Barce, the novel’s author;

- The Big Mirror (Cabaret Voltaire) by Mohammed Mrabet, with Marta Sebastian of Cabaret Voltaire ;

- Yihad: La regulación de la guerra en la doctrina islámica clásica (Jihad: The regulation of war in the classical Islamic doctrine, Marcial Pons), with Alejandro García Sanjuán, author of the book and  a professor at the University of Huelva;

- Palestina, medio siglo (Palestine, half a century, Spanish Diplomatic Library) by Mariano de Madrazo, with Alfonso Lucini, author of the book’s foreword and Ambassador on Special Mission for Middle East and Mediterranean Affairs;

- Trayectorias (Trajectories, Agilice Digital) with Pilar Salamanca, the book’s author;

- Europa frente a Europa (Europe versus Europe, Lengua de Trapo), with David Perejil, the book’s editor and writer.

Remember that you can purchase these and other books at our Balqís Bookstore.
Books for the end of the year