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Books for the end of the year
December 22, 20206:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s YouTube channel.
6:00 p.m.
In Spanish.
In view of the upcoming holidays at the end of the year, Casa Árabe is
presenting a series of recently published titles through short
In order of appearance at the meeting, we present the following:
- La trilogía de Abdelkader Alloula, treinta años después (The Abdelkader Alloula Trilogy, thirty years later, University of Granada) by Naima Benaicha, author of the book and a professor at the University of Alicante;
- Principio de cuerpo, final del mar (Beginning of body, end of the sea [Broken Glass] by Adonis, with Antonio Martínez Castro, co-translator of the book;
- Malabata (Ediciones del Genal) with Sergio Barce, the novel’s author;
- The Big Mirror (Cabaret Voltaire) by Mohammed Mrabet, with Marta Sebastian of Cabaret Voltaire ;
- Yihad: La regulación de la guerra en la doctrina islámica clásica (Jihad: The regulation of war in the classical Islamic doctrine, Marcial Pons), with Alejandro García Sanjuán, author of the book and a professor at the University of Huelva;
- Palestina, medio siglo (Palestine, half a century, Spanish Diplomatic Library) by Mariano de Madrazo, with Alfonso Lucini, author of the book’s foreword and Ambassador on Special Mission for Middle East and Mediterranean Affairs;
- Trayectorias (Trajectories, Agilice Digital) with Pilar Salamanca, the book’s author;
- Europa frente a Europa (Europe versus Europe, Lengua de Trapo), with David Perejil, the book’s editor and writer.
Remember that you can purchase these and other books at our Balqís Bookstore.
- La trilogía de Abdelkader Alloula, treinta años después (The Abdelkader Alloula Trilogy, thirty years later, University of Granada) by Naima Benaicha, author of the book and a professor at the University of Alicante;
- Principio de cuerpo, final del mar (Beginning of body, end of the sea [Broken Glass] by Adonis, with Antonio Martínez Castro, co-translator of the book;
- Malabata (Ediciones del Genal) with Sergio Barce, the novel’s author;
- The Big Mirror (Cabaret Voltaire) by Mohammed Mrabet, with Marta Sebastian of Cabaret Voltaire ;
- Yihad: La regulación de la guerra en la doctrina islámica clásica (Jihad: The regulation of war in the classical Islamic doctrine, Marcial Pons), with Alejandro García Sanjuán, author of the book and a professor at the University of Huelva;
- Palestina, medio siglo (Palestine, half a century, Spanish Diplomatic Library) by Mariano de Madrazo, with Alfonso Lucini, author of the book’s foreword and Ambassador on Special Mission for Middle East and Mediterranean Affairs;
- Trayectorias (Trajectories, Agilice Digital) with Pilar Salamanca, the book’s author;
- Europa frente a Europa (Europe versus Europe, Lengua de Trapo), with David Perejil, the book’s editor and writer.
Remember that you can purchase these and other books at our Balqís Bookstore.