Index / Activities / Films / Cinema, censorship and democracy in Tunisia and Egypt
Cinema, censorship and democracy in Tunisia and Egypt
Casa Árabe and the African Film Festival of Tarifa (FCAT) present in Madrid from June 3rd to 20th a film collection from the season Cinema and Censorship / Cinema and Democracy? The cases of Tunisia and Egypt. The whole season will be screened during the FCAT 8th Edition, from June 11th to 19th in Tarifa.
The TV's Coming, by Moncef Dhouib (Tunisia, 2006, 115 min.).
El Malga is a small quiet village on the South of Tunisia which lives marked by the national celebrations, whose program proposed by the Cultural Committee does never change. A phone call from the capital alerts them from the visit to the area of a German television crew. The Cultural committee decides to primp for them and to offer a positive image of the village and the country, hiding its reality.
Children of Lenin, by Nadia El Fani (Tunisia, 2007, 81 min.).
It is a documentary which pictures a special portrait of the Tunisian communist activists, immediately after the country’s independence. It sets out the subject of what heritage has been left.
Condemnations, by Walid Mattar (Tunisia, 2010, 15 min.).
January 2009. Tunis outskirts. Four friends spend their time in a neighbourhood cafe. Football matches and war images which are broadcasted by the cafe television capture their attention and make it easier to keep up with boredom.
Living (Vivre), by Walid Tayaa (Tunisia, 2010, 17 min.).
Havet is a Tunisian on her forties. She is widower and has a twenty year-old son, who migrates to Canada. She lives with her mother in a popular neighbourhood in Tunis and works as an operator for a telemarketing French enterprise established in Tunisia. Every morning, she goes to work, feeling stifled by the mundane routine. At home, her life is monotonous and has no interest.
From Carthage to Carthage, by Khaled Barsaoui (Tunisia, 2010, 26 min.).
How is it possible that one of the African and Arab World most ancient cultural expressions, the Carthage Film Festival, still shines? How do they attract film makers, particularly Subsaharan African ones, as well as producers and distributors? Has time come to change upside-down the identity of this Festival? Khaled Barsaoui’s documentary brings up important questions regarding the Festival’s future and its identity definition.
Basra, by Ahmed Rashwan (Egypt, 2007, 94 min.).
Cairo, 17th March 2003. Impending US and UK attack against Iraq. How can an Egyptian photographer get over delusion and fear? How will he find an answer to existentialist questions referred to life, death, sex and logic, being conscious of the absurd World surrounding him? Can this artist be alive, breathe, think, shoot his camera and offer resistance in an oppressive environment? Or will he fall apart with Baghdad?
Microphone, by Ahmad Abdallah (Egypt, 2010, 120 min.).
This is an enriching description of some of the most exceptional non-professional musicians from Alexandria.
Ein Shams, by Ibrahim El-Batout (Egypt, 2008, 88 min.).
Ein Shams is nowadays an underprivileged and almost abandoned neighbourhood, but a long time ago it was one of the pharaonic Egypt capitals and a sacred place. Shams, an 11 year-old girl, lives there. The film captures through her eyes the magic and sadness of the day to day life.
Friday, June 3rd | Launching of the season by Gema Martín Muñoz, Director General of Casa Árabe, and Mane Cisneros, FCAT director. Film: Ein Shams, by Ibrahim El-Batout (Egypt, 2008, 88 min.). |
Monday, June 6th | Basra, by Ahmed Rashwan (Egypt, 2007, 94 min.). |
Friday, June 10th | The TV's Coming, by Moncef Dhouib (Tunisia, 2006, 115 min.). |
Monday, June 13th | Microphone, by Ahmad Abdallah (Egypt, 2010, 120 min.). Film presentation by its director. |
Friday, June17th | Children of Lenin, by Nadia El Fani (Tunisia, 2007, 81 min.). |
Monday 20th June | Short films collection |
Film shows will take place at Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62) at 19.30. Original version films with Spanish subtitles. Free entrance prior ticket collection from 19.00 on. Maximum 2 per person.