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Course on “How to teach Spanish to Syrian and Palestinian refugees” in Cordoba

From January 29, 2020 until March 23, 2020The workshops will be held on Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with a lunch break lasting an hour and a half.
Casa Árabe headquarters (at Calle Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9). The workshops will be held on Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with a lunch break lasting an hour and a half. The tuition fee is 65 euros. You must register in advance.
In Spanish.

There is still space left for this course, which we have arranged to hold in Cordoba on Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29 (it has been postponed by one week). The course is intended for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE), NGO workers, and staff members and volunteers from humanitarian organizations, as well as others.

Casa Árabe is offering this series of four workshops on teaching Spanish as a foreign language (Spanish/LE or ELE) to Syrian and Palestinian asylum-seekers with the cooperation of teachers who specialize in humanitarian action and mediation, Victoria Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla and Nadia Jallad.

The workshops will discuss the process to apply for asylum in Spain and the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (Spanish/LE, or ELE) at official intake centers and charitable non-governmental organizations, while also introducing basic concepts about the Levantine dialectal variety of Arabic and useful sociocultural information to promote empathy with the students that Spanish-language teachers will come across in this field of activity.

They will discuss three main topics. (1) They will take an in-depth look at the cognitive and emotional implications which the asylum application procedure itself has on the applicants’ learning process, while examining the main features of these types of classrooms for Spanish as a foreign language, with students extremely heterogeneous in terms of skill level and origins.

In accordance with this, specific strategies will also be developed, which the Spanish as a foreign language teacher can put into practice in these contexts, and a series of the most commonplace linguistic and pragmalinguistic errors that Arabic-speaking students of Syrian and Palestinian origin make when communicating in Spanish will be provided, considering the possibility of transference from Arabic and other known languages, such as English and French; (2) we will analyze the environment from which these students have come, examining the origin and development of the conflicts which have led to the arrival of the refugees and displaced persons coming in from Syria and Palestine, and (3) different elementary expressions will be learned in Levantine Arabic, as well as sociocultural contents which make it possible for the humanitarian workers and mediators for whom the course is intended to welcome and assist such students.

General objectives:
By the end of the course, those attending:
▪ Will know what the asylum application procedure consists of in Spain.
▪ Will get a general overview of the nature of teaching Spanish as a foreign language to asylum applicants.
▪ Will be able to foresee specific learning difficulties among their Arabic-speaking students and take the resulting action to remedy them.
▪ Will be able to understand and effectively use basic expressions in the Levantine dialect of Arabic, which will help them promote empathy in the classroom.
▪ Will have developed their intercultural skills.

Profile of students for whom the course is intended:
Teachers of Spanish as a foreign language, hired staff and volunteers at humanitarian organizations, civil servants at refugee intake centers, and those interested in teaching Spanish as a foreign language to immigrants, refugees and others, in general.

Sessions: The workshops will have a total duration of 14 hours and will be divided into two days, March 21 and 22, from 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., with a lunch break lasting an hour and a half.

Saturday, March 28, 2020
Workshop 1 (from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.):
What is a Refugee?: The right of asylum and subsidiary protection: The Syrian and Palestinian cases (Victoria Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla)
Workshop 2 (from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m.):
Introduction to the Levantine dialect of Arabic I. Language and culture (Nadia Jallad)

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Workshop 3 (from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.):
Teaching Spanish to Arabic speakers from Syria and Palestine in a heterogeneous classroom environment (Victoria Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla)
Workshop 4 (from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m.):
Introduction to the Levantine dialect of Arabic. Language and Culture II (Nadia Jallad)
Registration: The tuition fee is 65 euros, and you must sign up by clicking on “Purchase tickets” below on this web page. The number of participants is limited to 25.

Workshop information sheet
Course on “How to teach Spanish to Syrian and Palestinian refugees” in Cordoba
Victoria Khraiche Ruiz-Zorrilla has a PhD in Semitic Studies from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Arabic Philology and has a Master’s degree in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. She has been a lecturer of Spanish at the University of Damascus and a contributing educator at the Cervantes Institutes in that capital city and Cairo. Moreover, she was a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language in the programs given by Asilim (Association for the Linguistic Integration of Immigrants in Madrid) at the Refugee Reception Center (CAR) in Alcobendas, at La Casa Encendida and at its own headquarters. At present, she is an associate Arabic Literature professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and a Spanish language teacher at the Fundación Ortega-Marañón in Toledo, activities which she combines with translation and teacher training for Spanish as a foreign language.

Nadia Jallad has a bachelor’s degree in Management and Business Administration from the European University in Damascus and is a graduate in Asia and Africa Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Jallad worked in Syria as a project director within several international oil companies, and as a teacher and trainer of adults and children for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Since she arrived in Spain in 2011, she has received training on teaching the Arabic language, having specialized in teaching Levantine Arabic and Arabic for business. She has taught courses on the Levantine dialect and standard Arabic at various academies and at the NGO Asilim (Association for the Linguistic Integration of Immigrants in Madrid), where she is responsible for the Arabic teaching programs. Since 2015, she has taught Arabic courses at Casa Árabe’s Language Center and has given various workshops on Levantine Arab culture.

The Cordoba Sanctuary City Platform, Municipal Government of Cordoba, Department of Solidarity