Index / Activities / Exhibitions / Deadline extended on the Nur 2025 curatorial call for proposals
Deadline extended on the Nur 2025 curatorial call for proposals
From March 07, 2025 until March 14, 2025
We are extending the deadline to submit applications for the Nur 2025 call, jointly organized by Casa Árabe and PHotoEspaña. It is aimed at selecting an exhibition project to be shown at our headquarters as part of the Festival. All documentation must be sent it by March 14. Submit your project!
The “Nur 2025” open call by Casa Árabe and PHotoEspaña seeks to lend visibility and spread information about a project that provides a closer look at one or several aspects of Arab societies, from a contemporary curatorial perspective.
At this edition, proposals must be related to the concept of “After All,” which is the theme of PHotoEspaña 2025, from a humanist perspective that includes the experience of Arab countries.
The goal is for the proposals to address the revision and reconstruction of our societies, with a critical focus on post-conflict dynamics, post-colonialism, post-nature, transhumanism and post-photography. In particular, we will place a high value on those works which use photography as a medium to reflect on the complex realities of the Arab world in its process of transformation, resilience and reconstruction. The call invites participants to examine the scars left behind by historical struggles, the marks caused by colonialism, contemporary challenges arising from conflicts and environmental crises, as well as new forms of identity and representation which are emerging in a globalized, digital context. The purpose of the competition is to take a critical, in-depth look at the processes of transformation that define our present era and anticipate challenges for the future, especially in a region so heavily marked by its own historical and cultural background.
The call is intended for curators and national and international institutions who can demonstrate previous experience throughout their past career in the development of exhibition projects.
The proposed candidacy may be related to an individual project or a group of artists. Applications will be accepted until March 14, 2025.
Submit your proposal by using this form.
You can see the winning exhibitions from the NUR calls in prior years here:
- 2024. Ephemeral Landscapes of the Sun. Information | Video
- 2023. Shifting Sands. Video
- 2022. Light or Shadow of what was and still is. Information | Video
- 2021. Barzakh: Between worlds. Information | Video