
Index / Activities / Shows / Dreams of Al-Andalus

Dreams of Al-Andalus

October 01, 20208:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s central courtyard (at Calle Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9). 8:00 p.m. Prior registration required.

The group Música Antigua, directed by Eduardo Paniagua, will be giving this concert in Cordoba on October 1, and we will be broadcasting it live on our YouTube and Facebook Live channels. Sign up to get your ticket and attend in person.

Spanish-Muslim music provides us with an example of cultural symbiosis bearing rich fruits, mixing Muslim and Christian achievements within the Andalusian melting pot over more than seven centuries. This music has been decisive in the development of music in both the East and the West, and the marks it has left behind still exist today.

The music of Al-Andalus which developed in the Taifa Kingdoms came to an end in Granada’s Nasrid era (1231-1492), reaching its decadence and demise in Al-Andalus with the Moriscos (1492-1609). When they were expelled from Spain in 1609, this whole musical treasure traveled little by little to the Maghreb, where it survives today. Its preservation is nearly a miracle, and its study and recovery have been a gift to the musical heritage of the West and mankind in general.

“Dreams of Al-Andalus” invites us  to put an end to the lack of knowledge about the cultural richness that Al-Andalus represented for the music of the West and to serve as an example of this art, which is permanently linked to the life, loves and emotions that music brings to both individuals and society as a whole.

The program includes:

1    CHESS - King Alphonse the Wise, 1221-12842
2    NIGHT OF WONDERS, Leilum hadzib. Betayhi Garibat al Husein. Andalusi
3    CONSOLE ME AT DAWN, GIRLS - Moorish song from Tunisia
4    FOR THE CIRCUMCISION CELEBRATION - Moorish maluf from Tunisia
5    LORD OF LORDS - Ya sayyida, Moorish moakhaja from Morocco
6    HOLY SPIRIT - Cantiga 4 of King Alphonse X, instrumental / RIVER - Traditional song of Sudan
7    ALAGUIB Jambra of Sudan / THE 7 PLEASURES  Cantiga 1
9    THE MAIDEN - Moorish song from Tunisia
10  THE EGYPTIAN – Cantigas and traditional song of Sudan
11  THE NIGHT HAS TAKEN MY SANITY - Moorish song from Tunisia and the Orient


Eduardo Paniagua
is regarded as one of the Spanish musicians who has most greatly striven to bring back the musical heritage of the Middle Ages. In the different groups he has created, he has brought together expert artists who have produced numerous recordings, receiving rave reviews, as well as both domestic and foreign awards, regarding  the “Cantigas” of King Alphonse X the Wise and the Spanish Muslim and Jewish world. “Dreams of Al-Andalus” is a synthesis of this, reuniting solo artists from each group  to create a concert symbolic of tolerance in medieval Spain.

Wafir Shaikheldine
Born in northern Sudan and having taken Spanish nationality, Shaikheldine is a versatile musician who plays the Arabic oud and Middle Eastern percussion instruments. He has performed with his group “Nilo Azul” on the “ethnic music” scene. He collaborates with many different traditional Spanish, Middle Eastern and Balkan music groups.

Wafir Shaikheldine        Arab Song, ‘Ud (Arabic oud) and darbuga
Eduardo Paniagua        Qanun (psalter), kaval and chorus

The show will be held on  Thursday, October 1 at 8:00 p.m. in the Casa Árabe headquarters courtyard in Cordoba  and it will be broadcast live on our YouTube and Facebook Live channels. In order to attend, you must sign up in advanceby filling out this form,as of Friday, September 25. Limited attendance. Mask use required.

The decision to hold this activity in person will depend upon the health situation at the time. Thank you for your patience.

Dreams of Al-Andalus