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"Euro-Mediterranean Migrations: Socio-economic impact and policies”

April 20, 201812:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Ambassadors’ Hall (at Calle Alcalá, 62). First floor. 12:00 p.m. In order to participate, you must register in advance.
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In Spanish.

Casa Árabe and the journal Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía are presenting this monographic issue in Madrid.

The event will include speeches by Juan R. Cuadrado-Roura, professor emeritus and department chair of Applied Economics at the University of Alcalá and the holder of the Jean Monnet Chair (European Union and Economic Policies); Enrique Barón Crespo, the professor who holds the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam and the former President of the European Parliament; María Teresa Fernández Fernández, a professor and holder of a PhD in Applied Economics from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and a researcher at the University of Alcalá’s Institute of Economic and Social Analysis (IAES), and Raquel Llorente Heras, a professor on contract with a PhD from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a researcher with the IAES (University of Alcalá).

Presented by: Pedro Martínez-Avial, General Director of Casa Árabe, and Inés Pérez-Durántez, director of the ICE journal

Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía, with the cooperation of Casa Árabe, is presenting this monographic issue of the ICE Economics Journal titled “Euro-Mediterranean Migrations: Socio-economic impact and policies.” The articles that make up this monographic issue are quite a novelty in a field in which there is still a need for more in-depth study of the most crucial topics involving the migratory processes we are currently experiencing, with the Mediterranean at their core. This is why we trust that the journal’s distribution will contribute to increasing knowledge and opinions about Euro-Mediterranean migration and help increase sensitivity about and offer suggestions on migration policy to be applied within the context of the entire Euro-Mediterranean area, even with the potential for being replicated in other places around the world.

The journal Información Comercial Española (ICE), Revista de Economía is a periodical publication that is published bimonthly by the State Secretariat of Trade. The publication’s origins go back to 1898, though it has been published in its current form since 1950. Each issue consists of a monograph that includes original articles, covering a broad range of topics dealt with from an economic, theoretical and practical perspective, with a special focus on international factors. It can be read online at where all of the articles published since 1999 can be found in PDF format with open access.

When the event comes to an end, those attending will be given a copy of the journal (while supplies last).
"Euro-Mediterranean Migrations: Socio-economic impact and policies”
Enrique Barón
PhD in Law at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a university degree in Business Administration. A former Member of Parliament and Government Minister of Spain who completed the country’s negotiations to join the European Community (1982-85). Member of Parliament and former President of the European Parliament (1986-2009). Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam. President of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.  His most recent books are: Europa, pasión y razón (Europe: Passion and reason), Las Américas insurgentes (The Insurgent Americas), Más Europa, ¡Unida! (More Europe, United!) and La era del federalismo (The Era of Federalism, published by RBA). 
Juan Ramón Cuadrado
Head of the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Alcalá (emeritus) and Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair of Political Economics and the European Union, former President of the European Regional Science Association, and a member of other international organizations. Most notable among his recent books are: Economía de las actividades creativas (Economics of Creative Activities, 2017, with M. Valdivia, UNAM and UAH); Política Económica (Political Economics, 2015, McGraw-Hill); Exportaciones españolas de servicios (Spanish Services Exports).
María Teresa Fernández Fernández
Professor on contract and PhD in Applied Economics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Researcher at the University Institute of Economic and Social Analysis (IAES) at the University of Alcalá. An acknowledged researcher on the Mediterranean area and Arab countries, she has coordinated several projects with Professor Cuadrado Roura for the European Commission on the integration of the Euro-Mediterranean area and has authored many publications in foreign and domestic journals and books on the topic.

Raquel Llorente Heras
PhD in Economics from the University of Alcalá. Professor and researcher at the Department of Economic Analysis at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.  Her fields of research focus on the labor economy, occupational and industry-wide change, women’s segregation in labor, youth employment integration and the impact of immigration on labor. She is a member of different associations and contributes to various periodicals on Economics