
Index / Activities / Shows / From Wallada the Umayyad to Carmen of Spain 

From Wallada the Umayyad to Carmen of Spain 

June 12, 20248:30 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s central courtyard (at Calle Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9). 8:30 p.m. Prior registration required.
In Spanish.

Casa Árabe is hosting this show, a journey about the role played by women, portrayed through two archetypes from different eras, allowing us to delve into the facets which they share in common. It will be presented by Matilde Cabello, with accompaniment by Marisol Membrillo and Antonio Moreno on guitar, on Wednesday, June 12. Sign up here

Resulting from various conferences and colloquiums by Matilde Cabello, in which a journey through the evolution of the role played by women from Al-Andalus to Andalusian copla is explored, with accompaniment by Marisol Membrillo, this show was created to take us into the world of love, heartbreak, betrayal, revenge, and generosity despite adversity, from the feminine vibe of Andalusia to the patriarchal models imposed across time.

In order to attend, you must sign up in advance by completing this form
From Wallada the Umayyad to Carmen of Spain 
Matilde Cabello
Poet, novelist and investigative reporter. Between El fruto de Aljamía (published by the Provincial Government of Cordoba, 1990) and Juego desigual (Renacimiento, 2015), she has had a dozen poetry books published, some acknowledged with domestic and foreign awards, and a similar number of minor works. She also wrote the novels Wallada, the Last Moon (Wallada, the Last Moon, Ahora 2001; Almuzara 2005; Castelvecchi, Rome, 2012), El Libro de las Parturientas (The Midwives’ Book, El Páramo 2008; second edition, 2011), El pozo del manzano (The Apple Tree Will, Buendía, 2014) and Gentes de Luz: 100 biografías cordobesas (Peoples and Light: 100 Cordoba biographies, Utopía, 2016). She has authored at least ten tourism and culture guides about the history, cultural heritage and festivals of Cordoba. She has been a reporter and scriptwriter for audiovisuals and written media in Cordoba and occasionally in the Maghreb region, including Diario Córdoba, El Día de Córdoba, TVM and Vive7 (1989-2018). She has developed releases and presentations about Women in Al-Andalus, Woman and “Copla” music, the Medina Azahara archeological site, the city of poets, women in the second half of the twentieth century, the waters of Villaharta and Cervelló, and others, in the American cities of Albany and Erie (USA), as well as Cuba, the Maghreb region and Spain. A script writer and storyteller in shows like El Quijote en Córdoba, Mátame de Pena, Dime que me quieres and Cinco mujeres años 20 (from 2018 to the present), in addition to at least one thousand reports published in written and audiovisual media, she has directed the documentary films Pilar Sarasola, una mujer contra corriente (Pilar Sarasola: A Woman Against the Grain, 2012) and Elio Benhager, la fuerza de una profecía (Elio Benhager: the Power of a Prophecy, 2017). Her writings have also been fully or partially translated into French, English, Arabic and Italian.

Marisol Membrillo
An actress whose professional career began on the Autonomous Television channel Canal Sur in 1997, she has been seen on the big screen in films such as “Una Pasión Singular” (“A Unique Passion”), alongside actors including Daniel Freyre, Juan Diego and María Galiana, as well as”Por que se rubtan las patitas”, and alongside Raúl Arévalo, Lola Herrera, Manuel Morón. In addition to “Hipnos,” “Planta cuarta,” “Somos gente honrada” with Paco Tous, Miguel de Lira, etc.

Since she began her career, she has also been cast in many television series, including roles in “Plaza alta” and “Arrayan,” “Los ochenta,” “Comisario,” “Un golpe de suerte,” “Los misterios de Laura,” “Compañeros,” “Amar en tiempos revueltos,” “Bandolera,” “Cuéntame,” and “Sin Identidad,” in addition to others.

Antonio Moreno
A Guitar Professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Música in Cordoba, since the 1980s he has carried out a great deal of activity in music and has been a founding member of various musical groups. For more than a decade, he alternated his life as a professional musician with that of a music producer for theater music groups, short-subject films, videos, and more. In the late eighties, he resumed his classical guitar studies at the Conservatory and began to undertake different musical projects (Puzzle, Tocamadera, La banda del Lago, Juan Antonio Canta, Papamundi, etc.). In 2003, he worked on the publication of the CD for the book Romancero cordobés de tradición oral, by Alberto Alonso and Antonio Cruz. One of his recent works as a music producer was the album by the Ziryab Choir “Rondas, refranes y trabalenguas,” an integral work for a capella by composer L.Brouwer, awarded at the international edition of Cubadisco in 2011. He started a close collaboration with the Camerata Capricho Español, resulting in three CDs published with music by Geminiani, Vivaldi, Marcello and Mozart In 2014, a CD was published with the cooperation of writer Antonio Gala, who recited his own poems accompanied by the music of R. Jordán. Since 1994, he has been working on the Archive of the Orchestra of Cordoba, and he is currently performing his musical activity as part of different groups and projects: La Tarara, Lamentables, Libros Abiertos (Book Fair of 2015), Platero y Yo for Titirimusik, La Pechuga de la Sardina, by Lauro Olmo for the Centro Dramático Nacional, the documentary El Hombre de los mil limones (The Man with a Thousand Lemons), by Asbel Esteve, Boleros, with Marisol Membrillo, etc.