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Genocide Against the Yazidi People

July 21, 20207:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe’s YouTube channel 7:00 p.m.
In Spanish.

On Tuesday, July 21, Casa Árabe is presenting this book by Ethel Bonet. It has been published by the Última Línea publishing firm. The event can be seen at 7:00 p.m. on our YouTube channel.

It will be attended by the author and Marcos García Rey, an independent journalist and member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), and will be moderated by Karim Hauser, Casa Árabe’s International Relations Coordinator.

On August 4, 2014, in the region of Sinjar, the self-named Islamic State, or Daesh, perpetrated a massacre against the Yazidi people, adding yet another act of genocide to the history of this persecuted religious minority in Iraq. The Jihadist group executed the men and took their women away to be used as sex slaves, while the children were trained to become “puppies” for Daesh. From that day on, the Yazidi people were turned into one of Iraq’s most vulnerable communities: over half a million Yazidis now live in refugee camps in northern Iraq, while another one hundred thousand have chosen to seek a better life in countries like Germany, Canada and Australia. The future of this ancient Persian religion is as uncertain as peace is between the Tigris and the the Euphrates.

Ethel Bonet, with a bachelor’s degree in Arabic Philology and a Master’s degree in journalism, began her career as a reporter in Egypt in 2005. Since then, she has also lived in Pakistan and Lebanon. Throughout her career, she has worked in Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, the Ukraine and Nigeria. After four years of research, she has now had “Genocide Against the Yazidi People” published.
Genocide Against the Yazidi People