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History told from my balcony
From July 26, 2011 until September 22, 2011
Casa Árabe presents, in Madrid (21st of Septmber) and Córdoba (22nd of September) the book La historia desde mi balcón [History told from my balcony]. His writer the journalist Tomás Alcoverro, La Vanguardia Middle East correspondent since 1970, will be accompanied by Javier Valenzuela and the diplomat Ignacio Rupérez.
From his home balcony in Beirut, Alcoverro has written more than seven thousand paper chronicles for the Barcelona journal on important war actions and social events which have taken place all over these years in the Middle East and the neighbouring areas. A four decade trip through the recent convulsed history of the region.
Place: Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62).
Time: At 19.30. Free entrance.
Place: Casa Árabe’s Headquarters in Cordoba (c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9 –corner to c/Velázquez Bosco with Plaza de la Agrupación de las Cofradías).
Time: At 19.30. Free entrance.
Place: Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62).
Time: At 19.30. Free entrance.
Place: Casa Árabe’s Headquarters in Cordoba (c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9 –corner to c/Velázquez Bosco with Plaza de la Agrupación de las Cofradías).
Time: At 19.30. Free entrance.