Courses and seminars

Index / Activities / Courses and seminars / Ibn Arabi and Llull from the viewpoint of modern mathematics and physics

Ibn Arabi and Llull from the viewpoint of modern mathematics and physics

From October 02, 2015 until October 04, 2015Check schedules.
“Sala de Grados” at the UNED School of Sciences (address: Senda del Rey 9, 28040, Madrid). Check schedules. Prior registration required.

This seminar is being held in Madrid from October 2-4, as part of the activities for the commemoration of the 850th anniversary of Ibn Arabi’s birth.

As part of the activities organized by MIAS Latina, with the cooperation of Casa Árabe, and included amongst the events to mark the 850th anniversary of Ibn Arabi’s birth, a seminar titled “Ibn Arabi and Llull from the viewpoint of modern mathematics and physics” is being held.

The sessions are taking place from October 2-4 in the “Sala de Grados” at the UNED’s School of Sciences (address: Senda del Rey 9, 28040, Madrid) and will also include the collaboration of the Islamic Library, the Puertas de Castilla de Murcia center, the UNED and the music label Pneuma.

The seminar will include discussions and intuitive reflections based on perspectives and theories originating from today’s sciences, in particular geometry –within the realm of mathematics–, as well as physics. At the same time, these sciences will also be considered inversely, from the perspective of traditional metaphysics and the science of symbols, through the prism of Ibn Arabi and Ramon Llull’s visionary work, so as to establish an open, creative dialogue between tradition and modern times, between symbolic cosmology and the scientific, between the intuitive spiritual experience of various levels of reality in the world of creative imagination and the proposals and methods of contemporary sciences. Mysticism, as both a visionary experience of mysteries, through the prism of modern science, and science viewed through mysticism.

Further information
Ibn Arabi and Llull from the viewpoint of modern mathematics and physics

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