Conferences and debates
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Journalism, feminism and democracy in dark times
March 06, 20257:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62).
7:00 p.m.
Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
In Spanish.
Within the framework of 8M, Casa Árabe is organizing a round table discussion with Noor Ammar Lamarty, Lula Gómez and Nuria Tesón, three experienced speakers on issues of gender, conflict and human rights. It will be held in Madrid on Thursday, March 6. Come in person or watch the live broadcast on YouTube.
As part of the activities held to mark International Women’s Day, Casa Árabe is bringing together three speakers who have focused their careers on discussing how women live in the midst of conflicts and migration crises, as well as other forms of violence and sexual discrimination and the struggle to make these issues visible in the media.
The round table discussion will also be dealing with, on the one hand, the publication “Balas contra la infancia” (“Bullets Against Childhood”), a storybook about children who survive through conflicts, from El Salvador to Gaza and Afghanistan, coordinated by Nuria Tesón,with the contribution of Lula Gómez. And on the other, A Revolution by Noor Ammar Lamarty, a protestful feminist essay that takes a historical look at colonialism and violence, as well as their impact on women’s lives..
Nuria Tesón is an independent freelance journalist and writer. Since 2009, she has lived in the Middle East, based in Egypt, from where she has covered conflicts and events in this region and Africa: the wars in Sudan, Libya and Iraq, the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, the Arab Spring, the migration crisis at the borders of Europe and Libya, and more. She co-authored Sin habitación propia. Mujeres sin hogar de norte a sur (No Room of Their Own: Homeless women from North to South, 2022) and El Alma del Mundo (The World’s Soul, 2012), which she published with her collective, Masteson. She also coordinated ”Balas contra la infancia” (“Bullets Against Childhood”)(2024). Her reports have appeared in Spanish and international media outlets like Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, Deutsche Welle, France 24, RFI, Cadena SER, La Sexta, El País, Esglobal and CNN.
Lula Gómez, with a great deal of experience in gender and human rights issues, talks about the refugee children of past and present. She has published items for media outlets such as El País, the cultural magazine Arcadia, TintaLibre, La Marea, Números Rojos and Ethic, and she is currently a regular contributor to Diario Público. In her work, she focuses on denouncing the situation endured by women. In 2006, she published Condenadas al silencio (Condemned to Silence) based on her own experience in prison in Peru due to an error when she was mistaken for another person with the same name. In 2015, she produced Mujeres al Frente (Woman on the Front), about the peace process in Colombia and violence against women.
Noor Ammar Lamarty is a North African legal activist and feminist who specializes in Public International Law and International Criminal Law from a feminist perspective. She is a conference speaker who spreads information about development and women’s rights in the MENA region. A researcher and writer on women, sexual discrimination and the legal systems in countries with Islamic contexts, she is a founder and president of the feminist magazine and women’s rights development platform WOMENBYWOMEN.
The round table discussion will also be dealing with, on the one hand, the publication “Balas contra la infancia” (“Bullets Against Childhood”), a storybook about children who survive through conflicts, from El Salvador to Gaza and Afghanistan, coordinated by Nuria Tesón,with the contribution of Lula Gómez. And on the other, A Revolution by Noor Ammar Lamarty, a protestful feminist essay that takes a historical look at colonialism and violence, as well as their impact on women’s lives..
Nuria Tesón is an independent freelance journalist and writer. Since 2009, she has lived in the Middle East, based in Egypt, from where she has covered conflicts and events in this region and Africa: the wars in Sudan, Libya and Iraq, the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, the Arab Spring, the migration crisis at the borders of Europe and Libya, and more. She co-authored Sin habitación propia. Mujeres sin hogar de norte a sur (No Room of Their Own: Homeless women from North to South, 2022) and El Alma del Mundo (The World’s Soul, 2012), which she published with her collective, Masteson. She also coordinated ”Balas contra la infancia” (“Bullets Against Childhood”)(2024). Her reports have appeared in Spanish and international media outlets like Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, Deutsche Welle, France 24, RFI, Cadena SER, La Sexta, El País, Esglobal and CNN.
Lula Gómez, with a great deal of experience in gender and human rights issues, talks about the refugee children of past and present. She has published items for media outlets such as El País, the cultural magazine Arcadia, TintaLibre, La Marea, Números Rojos and Ethic, and she is currently a regular contributor to Diario Público. In her work, she focuses on denouncing the situation endured by women. In 2006, she published Condenadas al silencio (Condemned to Silence) based on her own experience in prison in Peru due to an error when she was mistaken for another person with the same name. In 2015, she produced Mujeres al Frente (Woman on the Front), about the peace process in Colombia and violence against women.
Noor Ammar Lamarty is a North African legal activist and feminist who specializes in Public International Law and International Criminal Law from a feminist perspective. She is a conference speaker who spreads information about development and women’s rights in the MENA region. A researcher and writer on women, sexual discrimination and the legal systems in countries with Islamic contexts, she is a founder and president of the feminist magazine and women’s rights development platform WOMENBYWOMEN.