Special programs

Index / Activities / Special programs / La Axerquía and Its Courtyards: Past, present and future

La Axerquía and Its Courtyards: Past, present and future

March 12, 202211:00 a.m.
Meeting point: Torre de la Malmuerta. 11:00 a.m. Free entry. Prior registration required.
Free visit, with registration using this form.
In Spanish.

On Saturday, March 12, we will be giving this guided tour of La Axerquía and its courtyards. Sign up now to attend.

The tour will be given from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. It will be guided by Gaia Redaelli, a professor at the Polytechnical University of Milan and the University of Seville, along with Rafael Blanco, an Art History professor at the University of Cordoba.

During this visit, we will analyze the status of both the tangible and intangible heritage in La Axerquía at present, examining a few specific cases in its northern sector, with a special emphasis on the courtyard-house model, the origin of which can largely be traced back to medieval Islamic times, Despite the passage of time, it is quite well maintained inside Cordoba’s courtyard houses today, which have been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

This heritage tour will include several points within the northern part of La Axerquía, visiting streets, city walls, courtyards, and more, while highlighting their historical role and their status as part of the neighborhood today and tomorrow.

The tour will also take a closer look at the eco-social value of this heritage as a part of the city, through the PAX strategy (Courtyards of La Axerquía and Its Ecosystem), the purpose of which is to help create a heritage community and achieve the repurposing of houses in La Axerquía along with citizen groups, to stop depopulation and keep the tangible and intangible heritage, both physical and human, alive and well in this important area within Cordoba’s historical city center.