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Index / Activities / Conferences and debates / Muslims of the U.S.A.: Raising awareness through activism and art

Muslims of the U.S.A.: Raising awareness through activism and art

June 11, 20196:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Ambassadors’ Hall (at Calle Alcalá, 62, First Floor). 6:00 p.m. Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
In English, without translation.

Casa Árabe and the Embassy of the United States in Madrid have organized this event with Zainab Zeb Khan, president of the Muslim American Leadership Alliance. 

Art is a powerful tool to exert pressure for change and to do away with stereotypes, making it possible to deal with prejudices at a personal and societal level, as well as showing different sides to the same story. Through specific activities like promoting girls’ and women’s education, compiling collections of stories by Americans of Muslim heritage, and working with UNICEF programs to support children, Zainab Zeb Khan’s activism is aimed at promoting social cohesion in the US, protecting children and supporting the most vulnerable members of society, including women in countries where there is conflict, and refugees.

Conference information sheet

Zainab Zeb Khan is the president and co-founder of the Muslim American Leadership Alliance. She is a therapist, painter and human rights defender. Born in the United States to Asian immigrant parents, she became an activist after advising survivors of domestic violence and organizing exhibitions for artists who deal with repression.  She earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and co-curated the exhibition at the International Museum of Women titled “Muslimah: Muslim Women’s Arts and Voices.” She also held a position as a delegate of the United Nations at the 59th Commission on the Legal and Social Status of Women. The Young Women’s Christian Association of Chicago bestowed her with its Social and Racial Justice Award in 2014, and she was named a “Global Hero” by Safe Magazine in 2015. She was acknowledged as one of the “Most powerful women in the upcoming generation” by Fortune magazine. That same year, Zainab was named a Muslim Woman of Peace by Aga Khan University. Zainab received UNICEF’s inaugural Humanitarian Award in the year of 2016.

Also on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 8:p.m., we will be giving a concert at Casa Árabe in Madrid, titled “Songs from Baghdad,” a project by violinist Layth Sidiq. 
Muslims of the U.S.A.: Raising awareness through activism and art