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Presentation of the Catalogue of Historical Works in Arabic Print
From March 28, 2014 until April 05, 2014
A unique collection at the Félix María Pareja Islamic LibraryApril 2, 2013 – MADRID
The Félix María Pareja Islamic Library has just published its Catálogo de fondo antiguo con tipografía árabe (Catalogue of Historical Collection Works in Arabic Print), which begins with a preliminary introductory study and is divided into three sections: printing in European countries, in Arab countries and in other countries. Each record consists of the bibliographic file and comes with a digitalized copy of the cover and detailed commentary on the work. A system of cross-referencing was designed to find related works and authors. Provided as complementary information is a glossary, with over one hundred technical terms on bibliology and Arabic and Islamic civilization, as well as an index of names and a bibliographic appendix. One final section contains graphic elements which are provided as examples of some of the formal characteristics described in the catalogue.
It is a unique document collection in which works of different thematic types are represented. Of the three hundred twenty works commented on, at least two-thirds came from European printing presses (17th-19th centuries) and the other third from Arab countries at a later date (as of the 19th century), which will help those interested to delve further into the history of books and the printing press from new perspectives, as well as comprehending cultural relations beyond the Mediterranean. It is a strategic tool for our relationships of cultural cooperation with the Arab world, and its publication in Arabic is planned, as well.
The presentation of this publication will include participation by Guillermo Escribano, head of the Cooperation and Cultural Promotion Department; Luisa Mora, Director of the Félix María Pareja Islamic Library (AECID) and the publication’s editor; Nuria Torres Santo Domingo, an Arabist, librarian and co-author of the publication, and Cristina de la Puente, Humanities Coordinator at the CSIC. Presenting the event is Nuria Medina, Casa Árabe’s Cultural Programs Coordinator. The event is taking place on Wednesday, April 2 at 12:00 p.m. in the Ambassadors’ Hall at our Madrid headquarters. Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
The Félix María Pareja Islamic Library
Integrated into Spain’s International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID), this library has been a fundamental reference point for becoming familiar with the documentation in existence on the Arab and Islamic world for the last 60 years. It houses different types of documents (monographic works, periodicals, historical documents, cartography, photographs and films) in languages from the East and West. Thanks to donations, it has recently acquired the libraries of well-known Arabists. It implements an active policy to increase awareness of its works and provide service to its users through periodical bulletins and the blog La Reina de los Mares.
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