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Summer course: From historical Islamophobia to Islamophobia 2.0

June 26, 2018See schedule.
Casa Árabe headquarters (c/ Alcalá, 62). See schedule. Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.

Ana Echevarría Arsuaga, Associate Professor of Medieval History (UNED), has organized this course that will be held on June 26 in Madrid. 

Since September 11 and March 11, society has been moved by several terrorist events which have marked an increase in Islamophobia in the contemporary world. The goal of this course will be to demonstrate the historical changes in relations between East and West, Christianity and Islam, from a multidisciplinary, objective viewpoint, until reaching the twenty-first century, in which new technologies have played a basic role in disseminating a set of ideas which promote hatred towards otherness and racist attitudes.

The course, intended for historians, art historians, journalists, sociologists and anthropologists, will study the origins of Islamophobia from the Middle Ages to the modern day, as well as the means which were used to create an image of Islam, with no regard for whether it was true or completely fictitious. Also to be analyzed are how they evolved due to historical conflicts and the appearance of new media forms.

The course will be rounded off with four hours for consulting materials and active participation by students in the online course forum.
Summer course: From historical Islamophobia to Islamophobia 2.0
St. James the Apostle on horseback, or “St. James the Moor Slayer,” by Francisco Camilo (Museo del Prado)
Admiration and fear of the Moors in Castilian art. Contemporary categories and historical aesthetic practices. Elena Paulino Montero. Juan de la Cierva researcher. Art History. UNED.

”The Moors were not here”: Middle Age perceptions in today’s Spain. Ana Echevarría Arsuaga. Associate Professor of Medieval History. UNED.
Prejudices against Islam in humanist writing on architecture. Antonio Urquízar Herrera. Associate Professor of Art History. UNED.

Lepanto and the expulsion of the Moriscos. Artistic consequences and representations of the “other.”Borja Franco Llopis. Ramón y Cajal researcher. Department of Art History. UNED.

Fear of Moors as a social symbol in sixteenth and seventeenth-century Spain
Javier Irigoyen García. Associate Professor. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Islam and Mohammed: Western images and imaginary. Luis F. Bernabé Pons Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies. University of Alicante
Islamophobia in the twentieth century, questions of gender. Bárbara Ruiz-Bejarano. Vice-President of the Citizen Platform Against Islamophobia (PCCI). Member of the Islam, Culture and Society chair. University of Alicante

Islamophobia in the digital era: the media’s discourse   Marc Saurina Lucini. Associate Professor. Universidad Carlos III.