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The Labyrinth of the Misplaced

June 03, 20247:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Alcalá, 62). 7:00 p.m. Prior registration required.
In Spanish and French, with simultaneous translation.

On Monday, June 3, Casa Árabe and the Alianza Editorial publishing firm have organized the presentation of this book by French-Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf, winner of the Goncourt Prize and perpetual secretary of the Académie Française. 

A devastating war has recently been declared in Europe, the nuclear threat is constant, the division between the West, China and Russia is growing stronger and stronger....We are living in a very turbulent time which is already affecting our way of life and questioning the foundations of our civilization. We are aware of this, but until now no one has analyzed the crisis with the depth it deserves.  

“Humanity is going through one of the most dangerous periods in its history. In some respects, what is happening is unprecedented; but, in others, it is a direct legacy of previous conflicts that pitted the West against its adversaries. This book deals with these confrontations of the remote and near past.” Amin Maalouf

In The Labyrinth of the Misplaced, Amin Maalouf goes back to the origins of the latest confrontation between the West and its adversaries, tracing the path of four great nations: Meiji-era Japan, Soviet Russia, China and the United States. He paints a huge historical fresco which sheds light on current conflicts, the motivations of their protagonists and the strange paradoxes of our times.

The author will be speaking with Enric González.
The Labyrinth of the Misplaced
Book cover

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