Conferences and debates

Index / Activities / Conferences and debates / The lecture series “Semblances of Cordoba” continues 

The lecture series “Semblances of Cordoba” continues 

From January 28, 2025 until December 09, 2025The sessions will be held on the indicated days at 7:00 p.m.
Casa Árabe Auditorium (at Calle Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9). The sessions will be held on the indicated days at 7:00 p.m. Free entry until the event’s capacity is reached.
In Spanish.

In 2025, we have organized 13 new sessions of this lecture series, dedicated to learning about the Umayyad era through the lives of emblematic figures during the times of Al-Andalus. Check out the full calendar below and don’t miss out! 

Casa Árabe is continuing this successful series of conferences, which will remain with us as of January 2025, allowing us to get to know personalities and social groups from Umayyad Cordoba. The series has been scientifically coordinated by Maribel Fierro (ILC-CSIC) Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala(UCO).

The series, which was with us throughout 2024 in the form of ten conferences, is continuing in 2025 with the goal of introducing the personages (Muslims, Jews and Christians) who lived inside and outside the palace, walking through the city streets, going shopping at the market, visiting the mosque to pray or going to the cadi, church, synagogue or public baths, on military expeditions, as well as those who traveled to the East for trade or studies, getting married and divorced, having children, being buried... Each speaker will talk about a specific character, focusing on their biographical trajectory and through it, they will recreate the social group to which they belonged and the context in which they lived.


Tuesday, January 28
“The Banu-l-Razi, chroniclers of the Umayyad era,” by Alejandro García Sanjuán (University of Huelva),

Tuesday, February 18
“Ibn al-’Attar against the jurists of Cordoba in the tenth century,” by Amalia Zomeño (ILC, CSIC),

Tuesday March 4
“Yahya al-Ghazal: the travels of an ambassador between Umayyad Cordoba and Constantinople,” by Elsa Cardoso (EEA, CSIC).

Tuesday, March 25
“Dunash ben Labrat and the birth of Andalusi Hebrew poetry in Caliphate Cordoba,” by José Martínez Delgado (University of Granada).

Tuesday, April 8
"Ibn Masarra: Theology and mysticism in Umayyad Cordoba,” by José Bellver (EEA, CSIC).

Tuesday, May 6
“Ibn Firnas: science as a way of life,” by Mónica Rius (University of Barcelona).

Tuesday, May 20
“Eulogius of Cordoba: the Christian community at the crossroads,” by Pedro Herrera.

Tuesday, June 10
“Ibn Wafid: when loyalty to the legitimate ruler becomes a model of resistance against tyranny,” by Delfina Serrano (ILC, CSIC).

Tuesday, September 23
“Ibn Yulyul: Al-Andalus physician and pharmacologist in the Umayyad court of Cordoba,” by Ana Cabo (University of Seville).

Tuesday, October 21
“Abd al-Malik Ibn Habib: a pioneer of Islamic wisdom in Al-Andalus,” by Adday Hernández (UCM),

Tuesday, November 4
”Yusuf al-Fihri, Emir of Al-Andalus,” by María Jesús Viguera (Royal Academy of History).

Tuesday, November 25th
“Ibn Shuhayd, poet and writer,” by Jaime Sánchez Ratia (independent researcher).

Tuesday, December 9
“Muhammad b. Nu’man the perfumer and the world of the souk,” by Maribel Fierro (ILC, CSIC).

*Photo: Layout map of Cordoba from the tenth century, in Lévi-Provençal (1957). Muslim Spain: Up the fall of the Cordoba caliphate (711-1031 CE), in MENÉNDEZ-PIDAL, R. (dir.), Historia de España, Madrid.
The lecture series “Semblances of Cordoba” continues 
Layout map of Cordoba from the tenth century, in Lévi-Provençal (1957).

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