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The Library of Alexandria: Solved enigma

From January 23, 2012 until February 07, 2012

What happened with the Great Library of Alexandria? The book Biblioteca de Alejandría. El enigma desvelado [The Library of Alexandria: Solved Enigma] (Editorial Esquilo, 2011) draws up an unknown history of the city.

In those days, the Egyptian capital was witnessing the fall of Ancient world, when the sanctuary of Serapis and the Library where the Ptolomeos Kings had been collecting all the books in the world perished in fire.

The diplomat and book’s author Pablo de Jevenois, will be accompanied by Joaquín Córdoba Zoilo, Ancient History Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

At Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62), at 19.30. Free entrance.
The Library of Alexandria: Solved enigma