Of Fathers and Sons
Current Arab cinema
March 08, 20198:00 p.m.CORDOBAThis screening of a documentary by Talal Derki brings the film series on current Arab cinema to a close in Cordoba.
Current Arab cinema
From February 01, 2019 until March 08, 2019Check schedules and conditions for entry.MADRID AND CORDOBAAt its headquarters in Madrid (February) and Cordoba (February and March), Casa Árabe is showing this series of films, which includes three which just recently received international awards: Razzia, The Nile Hilton Incident and Of Fathers and Sons: The sons of jihad
Mary Shelley, by Haifaa Al Mansour
Contemporary Arab Women Directors
March 06, 20196:00 p.m.GRANADAFirst screening in the film series “Contemporary Arab Women Directors” in Granada. The film tells the story of young Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her passionate, stormy relationship with Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Razzia, by Nabil Ayouch
Current Arab cinema
February 22, 20197:30 p.m.MADRIDYour second chance to see this fictional film in Madrid, directed by Nabil Ayouch, showing the lives of four strangers who all share a desire for freedom.
The Nile Hilton Incident
Current Arab cinema
February 22, 20198:00 p.m.CÓRDOBAThis movie by Tarik Saleh, filmed in 2017, is the second of the screenings that we will be holding at our headquarters in Cordoba, as part of the film series on current Arab cinema. It will be taking place on February 22.