Courses and seminars

Index / Activities

  • Our archeology and history workshops in Cordoba are back

    Our archeology and history workshops in Cordoba are back

    From January 18, 2021 until December 16, 2021Check dates and times for each workshop.
    For yet another year, Casa Árabe is hosting these handicraft workshops given by SextoMario at its headquarters in Cordoba, with the goal of increasing awareness about the region’s history and historical values. Check all of the available dates.
  • Symposium: “The Friday Mosque in Al-Andalus” 

    Symposium: “The Friday Mosque in Al-Andalus” 

    From November 29, 2021 until December 14, 2021Monday, December 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p.m., and Tuesday, December 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
    This international symposium is intended to address different approaches and methodologies in the study of this major historical heritage. It will be taking place on December 13 and 14, on Zoom. In order to attend these online sessions, please fill out this form
  • Borders and oil in the formation of Arab States: 100 years after the Cairo Conference (1921)

    Borders and oil in the formation of Arab States: 100 years after the Cairo Conference (1921)

    November 18, 2021From 4:00 to 7:30 p.m.
    On Thursday, November 18, Casa Árabe will be hosting this international seminar about the role of hydrocarbons in shaping states and the delimiting their borders in the Middle East, focusing on Iraq, in particular. It will be taking place at our headquarters in Madrid and on our YouTube channel
  • “Alfarje” wood painting workshop 

    “Alfarje” wood painting workshop 

    Our archeology and history workshops in Cordoba are back
    From November 10, 2021 until November 18, 20216:00 p.m.
    On November 18, SextoMario will be giving this craft workshop to learn about archeology and history in a fun and enjoyable way, focusing on “alfarjes,” which are wooden ceiling pieces that are carved and artistically intertwined.
  • Open call for Forum Insaniyyat انسانيّات Tunis 2022 submissions 

    Open call for Forum Insaniyyat انسانيّات Tunis 2022 submissions 

    From October 07, 2021 until November 15, 2021
    The call for presentations and panels for the international congress to be held in Tunis from September 20 to 24, 2022 will remain open until November 15, 2022. 

Find more activities in our Courses and seminars schedule:

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