Courses and seminars

Index / Activities

  • Naming for Understanding: Concepts and debates for medieval peninsular history

    Naming for Understanding: Concepts and debates for medieval peninsular history

    From May 17, 2019 until July 12, 2019The course will be held from July 10 through 12, 2019, in the morning and afternoon (¡1 ECTS credit).
    You may now register and apply to receive scholarships for this summer course organized by Casa Árabe, the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and CSIC.
  • Atauriques: Polychromy in architecture

    Atauriques: Polychromy in architecture

    Archeology and history workshops
    July 11, 20196:00 p.m.
    COURSE FULL, for our upcoming workshop on history and archeology in Cordoba, given by SextoMario The activity will be held on Thursday, July 11.
  • Glass lamp

    Glass lamp

    Archeology and history workshops
    June 27, 20196:00 p.m.
    SOLD OUT. On Thursday, June 27, we have arranged for another workshop in Cordoba, to be given in conjunction with SextoMario, to learn about history and archeology in a fun and dynamic way.
  • The culture of tolerance as a mechanism for co-existence and development

    The culture of tolerance as a mechanism for co-existence and development

    June 24, 2019From 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
    The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Spain, with the cooperation of Casa Árabe, has organized this seminar to be held on Monday, June 24 in Madrid.
  • Protocol and business culture in the Gulf countries (GCC) 

    Protocol and business culture in the Gulf countries (GCC) 

    From March 01, 2019 until June 16, 2019Registration now open. The course will be held from April 25 through June 20, 2019, on Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
    Casa Árabe is offering this course unit as part of the larger course series titled “Introduction to business protocol and culture in Arab countries and Asia,” co-organized with Casa Asia. This unit will be held from April 25 through June 20 of this year, and the registration period has now begun.

Find more activities in our Courses and seminars schedule: