Educational workshops for youths and adults: archeology and history
December 13, 2018From 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.CóRDOBAThe tasbih, or Arab rosary, can be full of color and very fun.
Seminar on “Territory and Viability in Al-Andalus”
December 03, 2018From 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.CORDOBAThis event is an attempt to combine archeology, history and territorial analysis in conjunction with communications in the capital of Al-Andalus, as well its Roman predecessors and continued existence during the early medieval period.
Al-Mulk: The power of the Caliph
Educational workshops for youths and adults: archeology and history
November 15, 2018From 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.CóRDOBAAt this activity we will be creating an al-Mulk decorative inscription by using the technique of quilling, which uses strips of paper to create very pretty drawings and shapes.
Nineteenth International Meeting on Religious Freedom
From October 30, 2018 until November 01, 2018 See schedule.CÓRDOBACasa Árabe is hosting this event at its Cordoba headquarters on October 31 and November 1.
EVA Rubber Seals
Educational workshops for youths and adults: archeology and history
October 18, 2018From 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.CóRDOBAAt this workshop, we propose several designs related with Islamic culture so that those attending can choose the one that best represents them (or that they like the most) and create their own seal with it.