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“Third Regional Workshop for the Empowerment of Women”

On July 2 and 3 at its headquarters in Madrid, Casa Árabe hosted the seminar “Third Regional Workshop for the Empowerment of Women: Narrowing the gap between the rhetoric and practice to protect women from violence,” organized by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe

July 04, 2019
In order to strengthen the protection provided to women and girl refugees and asylum seekers against gender-related violence, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and Casa Árabe have organized a workshop to analyze the gap  between the existing solutions and the effective implementation of international standards. Sixty participants from civil society, governments and international organizations debated over different solutions for dealing more effectively with the following issues:

-Cross-border cooperation to protect displaced women and girls;
-National implementation of effective measures to fight violence against women and domestic violence. 

During the event, we also got the chance to explore the current potential for regional and multilateral cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region, mainly focusing on sharing good practices and national experiences. The Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, Ángeles Moreno Bau, and Dr. Pilar Vilaplana García, of the Government Delegation Against Gender-related Violence, shared Spain’s experience in the fight against gender-related violence.
They also analyzed the role played by youths in driving gender equality and the issue of violence in relations between youths.
“Third Regional Workshop for the Empowerment of Women”