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Arab revolutions through documentary films

On the occasion of the Cooperation Week, Casa Árabe and the Spanish Agency for International Development  Cooperation (AECID) organize an activity focused on the revolutions taking place in the Arab countries, having as a reference the first documentary film production and journalist works which are being developed on these political and social processes.

July 26, 2011
Monday 5th, Casa Árabe hosts the Spanish premiere of 18 Days, a collective piece composed by ten directors, twenty actors and six writers who filmed ten short films on the 25th January Revolution in Egypt. The film was immediately released in the frame of the last edition of the Cannes Festival. 
Tuesday 6th, other audiovisual materials will be shown (video and photography) which will be used to focus the debate on the role played by the citizens during the so-called “Arab Spring”. In this session, journalist and activists who have been to those countries will take part, to tell in first person those experiences of the change towards democracy. 
Place: Casa Árabe’s Auditorium in Madrid (c/ Alcalá, 62).
Time: 19.30. Showings will be in original version with Spanish subtitles. Free entrance, prior ticket collection –maximum two per person – from 19.00 onwards.
Arab revolutions through documentary films