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Terrorist attacks in Egypt

Perpetrated on the Sinai Peninsula and Alexandria against civilians and members of the Egyptian military and security forces. 

March 11, 2015
Communique number 069 by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Madrid, March 10, 2015

Spain strongly condemns the terrorist acts perpetrated recently in Egypt –on the Sinai Peninsula yesterday and today, and in Alexandria last Sunday– in which members of the Egyptian military and security forces were killed and injured, as well as civilians.

The government expresses its condolences to the family members and colleagues of the victims, to the authorities and to the people of Egypt and wishes for a full recovery of those injured.

The Government of Spain reiterates its solidarity with the authorities of Egypt in their fight against terrorism and their determination to collaborate towards the country’s development, as made evident by Spain’s participation in Egypt’s Conference for Economic Development to begin in Sharm el-Sheikh on March 13.
Terrorist attacks in Egypt