
Index / News / Casa Árabe collaborates with the Medinea network to support young musicians from the Mediterranean

Casa Árabe collaborates with the Medinea network to support young musicians from the Mediterranean

Medinea (Mediterranean Incubator of Emerging Artists from the Mediterranean) is providing the public with online access to a large number of audiovisual resources created during its latest sessions in several cities.

April 28, 2020
The temporary shutdown of our activities caused by Covid has encouraged the Medinea network to put this measure into action. These resources open up gateways to shared musical heritage and are of major interest to young performers, as well as all music lovers in general.
We are presenting two series of online resources:
Instant Collective Creation given by saxophonist and composer Fabrizio Cassol
Excerpts from the Medinea sessions which take place in several cities around the Mediterranean. This unique collective experience for composing to produce passionate ideas and debate shows the  need to create spaces for shared expression. Fabrizio Cassol, musical director of the Medinea sessions and the educational director of the series, is our guide on this journey.

Professional development for artists
The goal of the series is to provide a series of tools for young artists, providing them with the essential keys to beginning their musical careers: setting up their network, executing an activity to send out information, communicating on socia media and preparing a set of promotional tools. These are just a few of the topics that are dealt with in the videos.
Access all of the information, resources and videos through the Medinea website
All the videos are available with Arabic, English and French subtitles.

The Medinea Network
Medinea [MEDiterranean INcubator of Emerging Artists], founded and directed by the Festival of Aix-en-Provence, supports the professional integration of young Mediterranean musicians to improve dialogue, transmission and mobility in the Mediterranean Basin. The network, which Casa Árabe forms a part of, is made up of cultural organizations in the music sector involved in the dynamics of cultural sharing and cooperation at the international level. This includes higher education institutions, cultural centers, festivals and music markets.
Learn more about the members of the Medinea network
Casa Árabe collaborates with the Medinea network to support young musicians from the Mediterranean
Medinea Session - Aix-en-Provence 2019 - ©Vincent Beaume 2