
Index / News / Casa Árabe launches in Washington and New York

Casa Árabe launches in Washington and New York

Casa Árabe's Director General, Eduardo López Busquets, is visiting Washington and New York, where he will make the institution’s project known and he will also give speeches in different universities, co-sponsored by the British Council.

October 01, 2012
During his trip, Mr. López Busquets will take part in the workshop "Our Shared Future", at the British Council, offering also public presentations at Georgetown University and the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies of Washington, as well as in Fordham University, in New York.
Besides, he will also have private meetings with different figures related to the academic environment: John Espósito, director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU / Georgetown University), and John P. Entelis, professor of Political Sciences and director of the Middle East Studies Program at Fordham University, among others.

Mr. López Busquets will also visit institutions such as the Middle East Institute of Columbia University, the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies of New York University (NYU) and the Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center (CUNY).

Casa Árabe launches in Washington and New York