Casa Árabe publishes Issue nº 13 of “Awraq” with a monograph
dedicated to “Iraq at a Crossroads.”
The main section of this issue for the first half of 2016 is a selection
of presentations given at the seminar “Iraq at a Crossroads,” held on
December 9, 2014 at Casa Árabe, later published in English in 2015.
January 12, 2017
This main section will be complemented by two unpublished articles on Russia in the Middle East: How to manage an intricate path (Maxim A. Suchkov) and The Countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council and Iraq (Luciano Zaccara).
In the “Miscellanea” section, there is an article titled How Does the Islamic State Withstand and Fight Against Operation Inherent Resolve? (Omar Ashour).
Rounding off this monographic issue are reviews of a book by Ángeles Ramírez, La alteridad imaginada: el pánico moral y la construcción de lo musulmán en España y Francia (Otherness Imagined: Moral panic and the construction of what is Muslim in Spain and France, reviewed by Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste) and another book by Miguel Hernando De Larramendi, Irene González González and Bernabé López García, titled El Instituto Hispano-Árabe de Cultura. Orígenes y evolución de la diplomacia pública española hacia el mundo árabe (The Spanish-Arab Institute of Culture: Origins and development of Spanish public diplomacy towards the Arab world, reviewed by Juan José Vagni). Last of all, there is a review of Wassim Nasr’s Etat islamique, le fait accompli (The Islamic State, Fait Accompli, reviewed by Barah Mikaïl).